Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Wow, the swap is SLOW today...

My incubators are FULL !!!! I have 4 dozen eggs sitting in my office waiting for space. I have a bunch locking down tomorrow. And I have one more back up incubator on standby but waiting on some shipped eggs so I refuse to start it up yet.
I'm full too. I have 2 incubators under lockdown and two running, 33 shipped eggs on the counter, more shipped eggs coming. I've got 2swaps I'm collecting for now sitting on the counter and 5 or 6 snowy call eggs that will go in the incubator on Monday. I've got one snowy hen building a nest though so I might give them to her when she proves serious to sit. She keeps sitting in the nest but will leave it for several hours at a time several times a day so she isn't to serious yet but im expecting anyday. I think i'm waiting on more SFH and BLRW. I've got hatches on the 28,29,and 30 of this month for chicks and hatches on the 22 and the 25 for ducks. Then I've got more eggs coming the last week of this month! I'm so overwhelmed with eggs that IDK what to do with myself! 4incubators running is taking it's toll on my mental health. I really need a cabinet bator!
I'm full too. I have 2 incubators under lockdown and two running, 33 shipped eggs on the counter, more shipped eggs coming. I've got 2swaps I'm collecting for now sitting on the counter and 5 or 6 snowy call eggs that will go in the incubator on Monday. I've got one snowy hen building a nest though so I might give them to her when she proves serious to sit. She keeps sitting in the nest but will leave it for several hours at a time several times a day so she isn't to serious yet but im expecting anyday. I think i'm waiting on more SFH and BLRW. I've got hatches on the 28,29,and 30 of this month for chicks and hatches on the 22 and the 25 for ducks. Then I've got more eggs coming the last week of this month! I'm so overwhelmed with eggs that IDK what to do with myself! 4incubators running is taking it's toll on my mental health. I really need a cabinet bator!
Mine is no where near full.
Wow, really bumming right now. I was late getting all the juveniles moved out to their pens because I had to help my neighbor remove some moldy hay and run new fencing for the horses. I just got done putting everyone out. One dead gosling, one dead duckling, one dead serama (that one I expected) and one dead White Holland turkey. The duckling got out and looks like the geese got it. The gosling got its leg stuck somehow and bleed to death. The Serama wasn't thriving, so I was going to put it own anyway. The turkey was just fine last night, and I think it was my only Tom. We called him Alfredo. He was so sweet, but twice the size of the others, so I suspect heart. Now I need to find me a WH juvie Tom. Blast it all! I really liked that tom too! I'll have to see if Celie is still getting eggs and see if she wants to swap again. What a bummer, but better now than in the winter or early spring.
Oh on a bright note I have your eggs picked Krafty! Out of bubble wrap, so I need to run to town though. Guess I should get that done before it gets too late.
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