Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I wonder if it's the path of shipped eggs that give bad hatches. I've had some real good hatches. BHEP sent 7 or 8 BLRWs and 7 hatched. Papa brooder sent 20 Eng Orps and all hatched all the way from Calif. to Ohio. 14 White Ameracucans eggs Ohio to Ohio and 12 hatched. 13 Wheaton Ameraucans eggs from Maria Wolf and 9 hatched. 8 Bantam Lav Ameracuans eggs from Little Ameracuan Mom ? and 1 hatched. 24 Barred Rocks Duckworth and Stukel lines from Ron Presley and 20 hatched. 8 Cornation Sussex eggs from MrsMoon Cat and 6 hatched. 6-8 eggs didn't write down Speckled Sussex from GableBabble and 6 hatched. 17 Russian Orloffs from Ohio to Ohio (ebay) and 0 hatched. 15 Rhodebar eggs from ebay and 7 hatched. 12 Black Spitzhaubens eggs and 4 hatched. So I've had some real good hatched and some real bad hatches.. I have Pilgrim Goslings and turkey poults that have hatched and are coming out of my ears. My Asils are hatching like crazy. My Samartras aren't hatching. Anyway Some breeds are doing great and others aren't.
I think it's the shipping lines too. Something to do with how each PO/center handles stuff. My own seem to hatch like popcorn, but the shipped I am having the worst issues with them passing in lockdown.

Of course there was last nights crazyness. One of the two Salmon Fav chicks I hatched out the other day from caj1985Ks eggs was dead in the waterer when I went to feed and change out the brooder bin last night. It was in the trough curled around the jar??? Weird. It was the one I had to assits, it had pipped and was looking shrinkwrapped, so I helped it out and when I did the eyes weren't open. Very odd.
I too have had similar problems hatching shipped eggs. I have not had any issues with mine hatching. They pop like popcorn for the most part. SLW and BLRW are another story.

Has anyone seen this?????????


Special Action Requested
Would you please help us say "NO" to the United States Post Office's plan to raise shipping rates on the poultry you order?​

Dear Valued Murray McMurray Hatchery Customer,
It has come to our attention the Post Office is requesting a change to the shipment of poultry through the mail. The following link is a copy of the proposal in PDF form or You can read the proposal on-line at the Federal Register: https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2013/04/24/2013-09603/new-mailing-standards-for-live-animals-and-special-handling
They are asking that a Special Handle Fee be charged on every Live Animal Shipment. This proposal would increase the postage amount by $9.00 to $11.95 per box.
The proposal outlines the new fees to be charged but it does not include any new rules to insure us that service would also improve. Nor does it offer how additional funds would address their concerns about; Protection of Postal Service employees, mail and the environment, or animals against death.
Please read the proposed changes and send your comments to the US Post Office. We have included a link to a sample letter (in MS Word) for your use. (Sample Letter Link)
Make your voice heard, do it today. The comment period ends next week May 24. Thank you for your continued support.
Letters and e-mails must be submitted on or before May 24, 2013, by sending to the below address or Emailed to [email protected], with a subject line of "Live Animals".
The Manager, Product Classification
U.S. Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446
Washington, DC 20260-5015
RE: 39 CFR Part 111 New Mailing Standards for Live Animals and Special Handling


Spread the word! Copy this and post it anywhere so we can get everyone to help STOP this!
CORANCHER are you still around?????

I opened my bator today to turn eggs NOTHING was due but there was one little baby in the bottom. It was from the guinea eggs you sent me but that was not a guinea.... neither was the egg... way too thin of a shell.... WHAT DID I GET?

Is it lavender? or blue? there is some yellow or red around its face. Must go look at your birds now... I think it might be a bantam. I hope it will be ok with the week old chicks
seemed fine.
Oops. I only have one bantam pet hen and she does run with and lay in the same spot as the guineas. She is several years old so I didn't think she was laying. She is a silver phoenix but since she is with the free range birds who knows who daddy is. Likely an Orp since the spare Orp roosters run with the free range group. The chicks does seem to be Lavender looking. Maybe a Lavender Orp papa?
I've had lots of batches of shipped eggs that I got nothing or only a chick or two. But sometimes it is made up by others and continues to give me hope. I had a batch of 23 eggs from Jim (MrHeinz) in IA. I've had some terrible hatches from him in the past, but this time I got 15 chicks from the 23 (10 out of 10 from the Iowa Blues, 4 out of 10 from the cochin (dang fluff).

I currently have Lav. Orp eggs on day 7 with 8 out of 10 developing. So fertility has been great, just waiting to see if they make it from the shell.

I agree that there is a disproportionate number of late quitters with shipped eggs. When my own eggs hatch at nearly 100% in the same incubator, I have to assume the embryo is somehow damaged during transit that causes them to not develop properly.
I'm having problems with my own eggs hatching as well. I haven't hatched a single pekin. They internally pip and die. I've set about 40 of them without a single hatch. Oddly enough, duck eggs that I bought from the store, washed, older and refridgerated actually produced a duckling. I've been debating on putting my own eggs in the fridge to see if that helps the aircells grow before setting. I seriously need a dehydrator instead of an incubator!

Bantams are better, quail hatch like popcorn. My leghorns stopped laying, but their dino eggs have been about 50/50 on hatching. Those chicks are small and the eggs are huge.
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John, My wording of "hatched chick" was meant to convey that I've had many develop but not actually hatch. This is a problem that obviously has nothing to do with fertility or incubation. The fact that my own eggs hatch but shipped eggs don't makes me believe it is the shipping that is the problem. I think the embryo itself is getting damaged enough that, in many cases, it doesn't develop at all, or if they do, do not have the ability to hatch.

I brought eggs home to Illinois from caj and Roosterlane from Arkansas in March. Of the eggs that developed (meaning enough to go to the hatcher, not blood rings/early quitters), five of five hatched from caj and one died shortly after (very small and never up and about in incubator), and four of four hatched from Pauletta. The eggs from caj were shipped from Ft Smith on Wed, arriving at my daughter's home in Little Rock on Thur. The eggs from Pauletta I got directly from her on Fri, so no shipping involved. On Sat, the eggs were packaged to ride home and traveled in the trunk for the 10+ hours in a place that they could not shift around. It was March so no hot temps were involved and freezing temps were only when we got close to home but the eggs were never subjected to freezing temps. Eggs were the first thing out of the car and into the house. I turned on the incubator and got it up to temp and rested the eggs all day Sunday. The eggs went in on Monday.

I take the risk of shipped eggs because many of the breeds available here on the swap are not available around me. Hatching two Norweign Jaerhorn chicks from 8 eggs that cost me an $18 Paypal is well worth it to me. If I factor in the number of chicks I've gotten total to the Paypal total.........it's disheartening, to say the least.

I am learning who I can get eggs from that seem to have a better chance of producing chicks. I think some "lines of travel" are easier for whatever reason.
Shipments from the NE (madam and puglady) produced many early quitters and no chicks.
Shipment from CA (debs_flock, 2 swaps) produced many no developers and blood rings, some later quitters, no chicks.
Shipment from AR (groundpecker 2 swaps) many no developers or blood rings, no chicks.
Shipment from NC (rayndebi) 3/15.
Shipment from TN (RMRippy multiple swaps/side swap) 15/49.
Shipment from TN (TNBEARCHICK 2 swaps) 1/15.
Shipments from WI (Amyable) 2/8 and (flocksalot) 4/14.
Shipment from OK (krazykat) 2/6.

To end on a happy note......here is my Icelandic hen (that hatched the two aforementioned Norweign Jaerhorn chicks from Amyable) showing them what foraging is all about....
Gosh, I have been trying to figure this out also. I have had lots of eggs shipped to me. This year there have been a lot more develop with blood rings and a bunch go into the hatcher and then don't hatch. I was thinking it had something to do from going from low altitude to high altitude but it sounds like it is happening all over. I am getting great hatches from my eggs at home. I don't even want to figure out how much paypal I have spent on the paypal/hatching egg swap to get 0 chicks. I certainly could have bought some GFF chicks which we all know are not inexpensive.
Gosh, I have been trying to figure this out also.  I have had lots of eggs shipped to me.  This year there have been a lot more develop with blood rings and a bunch go into the hatcher and then don't hatch.  I was thinking it had something to do from going from low altitude to high altitude but it sounds like it is happening all over.  I am getting great hatches from my eggs at home.  I don't even want to figure out how much paypal I have spent on the paypal/hatching egg swap to get 0 chicks.  I certainly could have bought some GFF chicks which we all know are not inexpensive.

Same! Last I checked, I was over $150 on paypal alone, plus quite a bit into soaps/candles and shipping. Out of this money, I currently have one MF leghorn chick, one MW turkey, one royal palm turkey and one mix, three am's and I think that's it! My chicks are weak. Many of them die in the first few days. Oddly, even though I get a terrible hatch rate on my eggs, my eggs shipped out seem to do pretty well! And, free eggs, of course, hatch incredibly well, lol. So, anyone wanna send some free eggs my way? LOL.
By now, I'm sure I've spent closer to $400. I could've had several chick shipments for that. I could've bought a pool too. I figured it was an investment that I'd be getting a return on, but no go. :(
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