Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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You are obviously holding it together much better than most would with all this.
I guess it would probably help if I was better at asking for help
and letting people know what's going on, instead of just trying to "suck it up".
If I owe anyone swaps that do not involve the Houdans, please let me know. I show I only owe a couple more to Juststruttin & TNBEARCHICK besides this week's Blues swap.

I won't be swapping much as all mine have gone broody except the Blues. Send me a PM if anyone is interested in them as they are still laying like crazy. We will probably start eating them again.
If I owe anyone swaps that do not involve the Houdans, please let me know.  I show I only owe a couple more to Juststruttin & TNBEARCHICK besides this week's Blues swap. 

I won't be swapping much as all mine have gone broody except the Blues.  Send me a PM if anyone is interested in them as they are still laying like crazy.  We will probably start eating them again. 
You owe me salmon favorelles at the end of the month that we pmed about.
hugs to all those that have lost and those that are hurting- John- I am so sorry for the loss of the coops- good grief its hard enough to build them one time and you put so much effort into it- I can't imagine, it would just about make you want to quit. Profti- I completely understand, I am loosing an aunt to cancer right now - got a call this morning that she is in her final stages and her body is shutting down. This news came after the news 3 days ago that the doctor said she was amazed that her body was healing her bruises so well. My poor mom has had a very rough last few years- her mom died after a heart procedure from falling at the hospital, her aunt died from a rare cervical cancer that should have been impossible for her to have, and her sister having skin cancer and brain cancer and surgery to remove the tumors and then the news that they didn't get them all and it would get worse quick. And then.... all those that have lost loved ones and especially those that have lost children in the storms- I just can't imagine loosing my kids to a tornado while they were in school... How do you recover from that? All I can say is that my prayers are with you all and remember.. God always has a plan- sometimes we question it but, he knows what he is doing.
I guess it would probably help if I was better at asking for help :th and letting people know what's going on, instead of just trying to "suck it up".

If you need help with the raspberry starts I have tons and tons! All that duck and goose pool water last year made them into a jungle this year.
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