Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Oooohhh-Wheee I'm the high bidder on the Spits on RBA for a whole $2.05!! I can daydream now for oh, about 15 minutes maybe. That would be too funny if I got them for that though, lol. My high bid was $25 and it won't hurt my feelings if I lose, but sure would make my day if I won. lolololololol . . . . .
Madam if you would like to wait until towards the end of summer/beginning of fall, when they start laying real well, I can hatch out a bunch and grow them out and just ship them to you, if you want to pay shipping.

Doing good Crystal, no damage, only lost one of the birds. Glad you are on and you guys made it ok!
and you can call me anytime!

And! I got another Spangled egg and a Crele egg....guess the storm didn't bother them!
Throw those babies in an inky!
Oooohhh-Wheee I'm the high bidder on the Spits on RBA for a whole $2.05!! I can daydream now for oh, about 15 minutes maybe. That would be too funny if I got them for that though, lol. My high bid was $25 and it won't hurt my feelings if I lose, but sure would make my day if I won. lolololololol . . . . .
I had the same thought when I saw it at $1.05 but then realized I wouldn't know what to do with them if I won. Good luck!
I have made the hard decision to get rid of the black barthuhners. I have 2 more chicks to put down and frankly I am at my wits end with these guys. I do have a rooster growing out but I'm not sure I want to wait the 3 or so months for him to mature.
Shellie I have ducklings popping everywhere!!!

I set 4 Silverappleyard eggs 1 was a clear, one hatched out last week as an EE (rode the rails for awhile until I heard it cheeping...lol) Both remaining eggs are pipped and one is zipping.

Set 12 Khaki Campbells. 11 made it to lockdown. 6 are out and the other 5 are either pipped or zipping.

Lots and lots of duckies!!!!!
Well broody hatched her 5 eggs. And she bit me when I went to check them. Apparently she's no longer amused by my constantly looking under her. Think she's going to be a pretty fierce momma!

6 of my turkey eggs are either pipped or hatched. The seventh one pipped and died. I'm bummed about that especially since its one of my Midgets and that rarely happens. Must have been a genetic problem, but just to be on the safe side I'm going to super clean the hatcher when the hatch is done. The Marans and wellies have been popping like popcorn so I should be able to empty and scrub tonight since I need to hurry and put eggs in for the next hatch.

For now I think I'll go pester my broody.
I have made the hard decision to get rid of the black barthuhners.  I have 2 more chicks to put down and frankly I am at my wits end with these guys.  I do have a rooster growing out but I'm not sure I want to wait the 3 or so months for him to mature.  

That's too bad! I know you put a lot of work into getting them this far. Too bad they had issues be ause they are some pretty birds.
Well broody hatched her 5 eggs. And she bit me when I went to check them. Apparently she's no longer amused by my constantly looking under her. Think she's going to be a pretty fierce momma!

6 of my turkey eggs are either pipped or hatched. The seventh one pipped and died. I'm bummed about that especially since its one of my Midgets and that rarely happens. Must have been a genetic problem, but just to be on the safe side I'm going to super clean the hatcher when the hatch is done. The Marans and wellies have been popping like popcorn so I should be able to empty and scrub tonight since I need to hurry and put eggs in for the next hatch.

For now I think I'll go pester my broody.

You make my day. Your sense of humor just entertains the dickens out of me. (Edited for family friendly content.)

That's too bad! I know you put a lot of work into getting them this far. Too bad they had issues be ause they are some pretty birds.
The rooster has too many issues. Apparently the birds at GFF have issues to. One of the chicks I have to put down is due to a beak problem and it's from their birds. I am at my wits end with them. I'm seriously ready to cull the rooster. He's mean as heck and is doing me no good at all. I'm really on the fence about what to do. I don't want to waste a bunch of time with birds that could be inbred but I feel like I'm giving up.
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