Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Broke my reading glasses last night. They are just magnifying glasses, not perscription, so easy enough to ge a new pair, but what a PITA!

Need to get most of the remainder of the gardens planted today. Move some more broody turkeys and I'm waiting for my last to poults to get themselves the rest of the way out and dry, so I can put the next batch into lockdown. Going to be a busy day, but I better take some time to run into the city to get some glasses.

Oh I also found out my mare is a "disrespectful spoilt little snot." That's per the trainer. WOW! Apparently she tried to run her over, kick her, and just won't work. I've never had these issues with her. She's spooky and very timid like her dame, but when we go into new situations I keep a hand on her and its like she draws strength from me. She's never once tried to kick me and is very attuned to what I'm asking of her. She never turns her rear to me. if she did id crack it. she keeps eyes on me always. Thinking my hubby may have chosen the wrong trainer. Either that or I spoilt my horse. Our farrier has no issues with her. The vet does some, but nothing that pinching her doesn't stop. I've never had to use a chain or anything but a handy stick for guidance. I don't know. Sure hope this wasn't a bad choice.

It kinda makes me wonder what methods your trainer is using and how she is treating your horse. I would be trainer shopping. Jmo

I didn't realize she was boarding at the trainer's. She might simply be nervous at being in a new place with people she doesn't know. It does sound like she has a real strong emotional attachment to you, so yeah, it might be as simple as scared and confused without her "mommy" :)  Admittedly, I've known horses that would milk any emotional coddling they got for all it was worth -- and then I've known horses that really needed that emotional support to feel confident and secure. Hopefully your trainer is sensitive enough to spot the difference, but I always worry when a trainer seems honestly to dislike a horse, ya know?

ME TOO! My hubby is the one that decided this was where she HAD to go for training. He's paying, so I'm going along for now, but if I see problems arising ill attach my one horse trailer to my car and bring her spoilt rotten butt on home. I would have much rather of sent her to someone I knows trainer. The lady I got the geldings from has an excellent trainer. It's just a hike to get there. Something like a five hour drive one way which is difficult for me to do plus all the animals at home to take care of.

I don't think Bonnie milks it. She gets this worried look in her eye brows when she's concerned about something and if I put my hand on her she calms right down. She knows I'm right there with her. I guess I should have shown that to the trainer. That would be my fault. I got her as an unhandled never even haltered coming two year old a few years ago. She was tricked onto a trailer and came kicking and screaming across two states. The first time I saw her she looked at me and screamed. We somehow got her into a stall for the night. The next morning I got her to the point that she would put her head into her halter and was even lead around by a busy street. She just calms whenever I touch her. We used to board our horses, and the stableman told me I should talk to her, but she works so mush better when I just touch her. Plus if I'm talking and getting frustrated she gets nervous by my tone. Well guess ill see tomorrow. Maybe I spoilt my pretty little princess. I do like to mother animals. At least with the turkeys I don't need help training them. They will follow me anywhere.
lol....as soon as I can! They had four Silver Birchen chicks that I picked up too....they aren't but a few days old, but when they get bigger I could send those to you if you want them. Spangled, Mottled and Crele will have to wait a while longer.

You are killing me. Not much of a birchen fan but maybe you could an eye out for some pretty chicks. :D
Spring officially isnt over until the first day of Summer in June, which is Friday the 21st of June. Spring eggs not received by then are late.

Since not everone checks in here often, be sure you read and re-read the rules after taking breaks from swapping. There have been recent rule changes again.
You might also want to send people a PM as a reminder, alot of people have a lot of swaps to fill (including me) so sometimes you may get missed or just be in line somewhere and they haven't got to you yet.

Thanks for your responses, that is good to know! I hate reminding people as I know everyone is so busy and figure it "will happen sometime".
I have kept away from the thread as it is too addictive (and amazing) - looks like a lot has gone on
And THANKYOU thread moderators for making all those spreadsheets - that took ALOT of time and effort!

Is there a master set of current rules with the recent (2013) rule changes, and master spreadsheet?
Oh I also found out my mare is a "disrespectful spoilt little snot." That's per the trainer. WOW! Apparently she tried to run her over, kick her, and just won't work. I've never had these issues with her. She's spooky and very timid like her dame, but when we go into new situations I keep a hand on her and its like she draws strength from me. She's never once tried to kick me and is very attuned to what I'm asking of her. She never turns her rear to me. if she did id crack it. she keeps eyes on me always. Thinking my hubby may have chosen the wrong trainer. Either that or I spoilt my horse. Our farrier has no issues with her. The vet does some, but nothing that pinching her doesn't stop. I've never had to use a chain or anything but a handy stick for guidance. I don't know. Sure hope this wasn't a bad choice.

Maybe time to look for a new trainer....
This is one big fat girl don't cha think!

My Eva was flirting with me. She's done being broody now that she squished all the eggs and has started laying again. Yeah we can have the best darned mammoth muffins again!

And this is momma with her six poults even though I swear I only gave her five eggs to sit. Guess she wanted a six pack. B
five poults on one side and the sixth is above momma by the water.
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