hatching friday!!!!!

How exciting! I know you are standing there staring at them! Sometimes it takes a few hours and other times they zip and pop out in less than 15 minutes.

Mine are not even pipping yet but I just moved them to the hatcher today so it may take a while longer since I let them get cool a few times in the past 2 days. I am sure mine will hatch tomorrow afternoon so I have to hear them peeping all night while I try to sleep. You would think 20 feet and a wall plus a fan running in my room could knock out some of their noise but they can be loud!
Of course, I have gotten up on occasion to see what the insistent peeping was all about only to find one had gotten trapped between the carton and the wall and wasn't strong enough to get out. Once I rescue them, give them a little kiss and put them in an empty carton slot they get a bit quieter. (I have yet to catch some dreadful disease from newly hatched chicks.)
Several are pipping this morning. Most of the ones that are pipped are the Sizzle and Frizzles but I see a bantam Cochin has a small start.

How's everyone's eggs doing this morning? Anyone have babies yet?
And a Frizzle has emerged!
Ten a.m. EST

It has pushed it's little shell cap off and is wiggling to get out. Always too cute!
On day 20. The only thing that I have noticed is my BBS standard cochin egg made a 90* turn! I need to check the eggs I havent checked in like... 1 hour!
It is almost 2 pm here and I now have 2 blue Frizzles out. Still more pipping but those are the only 2 so far.
My temp keeps dropping down to 99 so it will take a bit longer for them to emerge probably.
I have opened all the windows in the house and it is 66 outside. I keep my house fairly cool but the brooder room down in the barn is slightly cooler than most, too. I just make sure the heat lamps are warm enough for them to rest under.

I would take photos but I doubt everyone wants to see them. I will wait to see what you all hatch.
Relax and just sit on your hands no matter how much you want to, don't try to help the chickes out of their eggs it takes awhile and even if they seem like they cant get out they will get out and relax on the temp it doesnt have to be exactly 100 just remember if you take an egg shell out in a still air it may temp set to the air when you open the hatcher it could be 100 when you open and when you close it could be 96
So far I have pulled 8 shells from the 'bator. I like the Genesis because i can watch them hacth out and see what colors they are. It is about 10 pm and they are still pipping up a storm in there. I don't guess I will get as much sleep again since they love to work their lungs all night but it is well worth it.
In the past 12 hours I have had to hatch out 3 Frizzles, a Sizzle, 3 bantam Cochins and a black copper Marans. Still have plenty to go but most are zipped now. I am sure I will have a hatcher full in the morning. Once it warms up during the day I will take them down to a brooder in the barn.

Here is a photo from this morning.............


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