hatching geese eggs


Thank you!
I just wanted to see what they looked like too!
Wow, Inka and Binka are twins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I use coffee cans for my 'waterers' once they are about a week old or so. Dad gets the coffee that comes in plastic cans and I just cut a hole in the top of the lid so they can stick their heads down in it. I tried doing it like that on the side last year but one of my goslings got INSIDE the can. If I hadn't went in there when I did it probably would have drowned.

I usually give mine a 'salad' made of grasses and clover greens pulled out of the yard, though I cut it with scissors to make it bite-sized
Great pics Booker. So is that 1 girl & 4 boys in there. Beautiful

I think so. It sure looks that way. Hopefully the next 23 will have some girls.

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