hatching geese eggs

Just an hour ago my last Effin gosling was still moving, even heard the clicking. Now dead!!!, He's had a hole in the end so he didn't suffocate. Opened the egg. He had pipped internal then crappin died with his bill sticking out of the membrane. What the crap???!!! I am so disappointed I just want to cry! I have spent over $300 on eggs/shipping in the last month and have absolutely nothing to show for it!!! No dewlap toulouse, no toulouse, and no BLOODY English orpingtons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I quit!!!! I quit! I quit! What to do now??!! All I wanted is a couple of crapping dewlaps and nothing!................. Well Pete, you warned me and I didn't listen. I ordered eggs anyway. UGH!!!! I'm done........... and sad!
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I only have tried hatching once, I'm 0/0 right now... and never wanted to try hatching again until my fiance set eggs for me last week
I hope you feel better, it's a pretty crappy feeling to get right up to the end and have nothing to show for it, I'm sorry... I hope you feel better soon!
I'm really sorry to hear your news Buff beauty,
, I was so convinced these were going to hatch, its so sad and frustrating when this happens as it's such a lot to go through to have nothing at the end. I must admit I've switched off the incubator for this year now, loosing those 14 eggs was pretty gutting but at least i've got 12 goslings running around now, have you got any plans for anything else?
Thanks ya'll!!
Not right now I don't guess. I'd like to find a couple of goslings for sale but the one contact I had made I guess doesn't have any for sale right now. So guess I'm gosling-less for quite some time. Didn't realize how bad I wanted some.
Im so sorry to read all of your sad news Buffbeauty. Its soul destroying as you've put in so much work and hope for these eggs and appear to have nothing.

Now dust yourself down and realise the wealth of knowledge you now have as this experience will point you on the road to sucess in the future. I will say that Dewlaps are lovely birds but they're not the easiest to hatch and hence the higher prices. Shipped eggs are usually VERY hard to hatch. Some get lucky but the majority dont. I would buy a sexed pair of quality goslings and you'll find incubating your own eggs will be easier.

Keep your eyes open and if necessary pre-order a top quality sexed pair for 2012 from a reputable breeder. As you know I like the Holderread Dewlaps and feel they're worth the wait

Thanks Pete. You are awesome! From education, advice, and now emotional support. Ha. I'm definitely leaning towards the waitig until 2012 holderreads come out. All this happened because I was too impatient to wait but now I'm basicLly out of options so may and well wait and get some good ones. Thanks again. I'm going to continue to lurk and learn what I can!
Dont lurk too much, keep posting

I'll bet others will come up for sale and you could always post Wanted Adverts. I would be pre-ordering a 2012 pair from Holderread as soon as possible

Hope you don't mind another member to this thread. First time hatching geese.

Too tired for details. Just home from a last minute surprise party for my grand daughter.

I have 5 mixed goose eggs going with my Chicken eggs in my Sportsman. I know others that have done that, but I want to make sure I get something to hatch. I incubate dry, so I hopw I haven't already blown it. The only help I've had was a friend who gets info from the dirty old man I tried to work with a few months ago. I won't go back, so she asks questions for me. She's hatched out lots of geese, but only done dry incubation twice, so we're kind of experimenting I guess.

Would be nice to have this thread continue for more help.

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