Hatching in the Dickey Chicks a hatching


Orpingtons Bama Style
12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
I am trying to hatch some in the bottom of my Dickey while other eggs are incubating in the racks. I started these in the Hovabator before I got the Dickey. This is a trial for sure. The humidity is on 63. Mr. Earnest told me to mist the eggs three times a day rather than raise the humidity up really high. I turn the bator off before opening the door. They started pipping last nite. One was hatched when I got home from Church. It is a very coneheaded buff silkie. I am waiting for the next one. I will see how this goes and make adjustments
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OH my gosh, I did not think you would be getting any to hatch so soon. I don't have any advise at all for you but I bet it will turn out just fine.

How nice a Buff Baby right from the start. I have my fingers crossed for lots of peeps by tomorrow.
Hi Julie,
First of all GOOD LUCK!! I will be especially interested in your results. I have a Dickey also and I will be doing the same as you are. I have your eggs in, plus another set, so let us know how it goes.

What do you have your temp set on?. Bobbi Porto told me she sets hers on 100.4. She keeps her humidity 55 to 60 during incubation. She said she had been hatching in the Hovabator until recently. She said she is having pretty good hatches in the bottom doing them while the others are continuing. I will see how this goes this time and then decide if i want to incubate and hatch at the same time. I can't afford the hatcher just yet. I will need to finish paying for the Bator first I almost have it. It keeps a steady temp.
I bought mine used and it did not come with a working thermometer. I tried changing batteries, no help. So I have 2 thermometer/humidity moniters in there. I have the temp set at 100. I am trying something a little different this time as far as humidity goes. (Although I am a little worried about it) I read a post on here several weeks ago about dry hatching. He discussed the need for lower humidity so the eggs would not have so much fluid in them at hatching time causing the chicks to drown. In the past I have had a number of chicks that were fully formed, the yolk sack either fully absorbed or at various stages of being absorbed, but the chick was dead.
So I am starting out with the humidity in the mid 40's and letting it go down to the 20's before putting more water in. Boy, I hope this works!

I candled your eggs and 10 of them are developing! I can't wait till they hatch!

I sure hope you get a good hatch. Great possibilites with 10. I am trying it the way Mr. Earnest told me first. Let me know how yours does.
why do you turn it off when you open it?
and i used to raise my humidity in mine while a rack hatched, and the rest were jus turning, and i get 100 % hatch's. i could see if you had a hatch every week, or every 4 or 5 days,, but raising it for 3 days dont hurt the "other" eggs any. and you'll see your usually a day or 2 ahead of the usual 21 days
Well, Mr. Earnest Dickey told me to turn it off and I wouldnt' lose as much humidity opening the door.
1Much I will see how it does this time. Do you hatch in cartons or lay them on their sides?

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