Hatching now complete!! Babies and more babies...update pg. 3**PICS**

Well we're almost at the end. I candled the last 4 and saw no movement, didn't hear anything so I pipped the aircell. Two of them appear to have quit at about day 8-10. The other two look to have died at about day 18. When you add those 4 to the 2 chicks we lost it makes a total of 6 non-hatches. Not too bad for having set 37 eggs.

Two just hatched...a Wellsummer and a NHR and the last 2 are pipped with beaks hanging out the holes hollering!

Hopefully this will all be over in the next couple of hours. It's been a long run but never boring for us! Here is a picture of the brooder now and the last pic of the bator!


Well the 36 hour vigil is over once again! I have a hard time sleeping while they're pipping and hatching. My daughter stayed last night...all night...and took the midwife positon. I'm glad the hatch is over so I don't have the night shift tonight!! We ended up with the most gorgeous babies and an overall great hatch rate of 85%. This was the final count:

2 Ancona
1 Buff Orpington
5 Lemon Blue Cochin
1 Silver Spangled Hamburg
2 Australorp
2 Black Andalusians
5 Blue Cochin
7 Golden Laced Cochin
1 Golden Lakenvelder
2 Ameracauna
2 Wellsummers

Here is a photo of one of the lemon-blue cochins:


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