Hatching shipped eggs upright

Do what you feel is best, but I would do that. I don't think sitting them upright really does much. The air cells will reattach either way if they're detached. Having the auto turner helps too. Its a lot of work to turn them manually especially if you have over a dozen eggs. I treated mine just like any other eggs. I nail polish patched the couple dented ones, threw out the really damaged ones, marked air cells and numbered eggs, ran the incubator for an hour to get it going and then I put them in. My hatch was great. They all hatched on the same day too. My air cells all looked great at lockdown. Keep us posted on how they do! :fl for a great hatch!

Thanks for sharing your experience!
You're welcome! Hope your experience is even better than mine!
Ah interesting! Gosh, I’d love to throw my auto turner in and just lay them on their sides now... that’s awesome you had a good hatch rate. Hmmmm I may go ahead and do that.
Just looking for information. I have a similar situation with shipped marans eggs. What did you end up doing and how was your hatch? Thanks so much for taking the time to reply if you can! :)

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