have a sick chick can someone help???

i wish i could but i am having to access the net from my phone so i can't copy and paste. it is right on top in the emergencies injuries diseases and cures section. if someone can link it that would be great. thank you
The link is https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=273099

you checked the chicks' poop to see if there's any sign of blood in it (indication of coccidiosis)?

Have you checked to make sure they don't have poop stuck to their behinds (pasty butt)?

What position are the chicks sitting, standing or lying in while they're weak? Is there anything unusual in how they're walking?

Does there appear to be mucus in their nostrils? Are their eyes runny?
thanks for adding the link and to answer your questions... no blood in poop, kinda standing with head bent down to the floor when he is sleeping or seems to be sleeping, no pasty butt. staggers when he walks wings drooped. no mucus in nostrils or eyes.
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Some just fail to thrive. You can give Poly Vi-sol (no iron) a drop or two at the tip of the beak. Do you grind up their food? They will eat alot better if you do. Some will be starve outs if they can not eat the food.
i have looked everywhere i can think of for poly-visol and couldn't find it at co-op or farm supply store. where else should i look for it? i do give them vitamin and electrolyte enhanced water. i have also been mixing their food with some to moisten it up. they love it. he is doing a little better this morning. not staggering as much steadier on his feet.

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