Have I got enough space for another one??

If that coop is the same as my two small ones, there is only about 18 SF floor plus the nest box and encloses area...I would say 1 more would be okay if they get plenty of outdoor time.
I have the same exact one! Did you get it from Ahappychick? I only use it for a breeding coop for my banties. My LF girls butts wont fit in that sucker..LOL
First, welcome to BYC.

I would completely re-do the run before spending money to electrify it. Chicken wire will keep no predators out. Coons, dogs, coyotes can rip it apart. I would not add to the flock if you are keeping them in the integrated coop enclosure. It is really a bit too small for the 3 adult birds you have now. And regarding your run, chooks can fly over a 4 ft fence pretty easily.

Take the time to set really good sturdy corner posts in cement. Then buy 6 ft tall 2x4 galvanized welded wire fence. Set line posts of steel (T-posts) every 8 ft or so between the corners. Then add hardware cloth around the bottom 3 ft of it to keep coons from reaching in and decapitating the chickens. Then take some of the 2x4 fencing and cut it into strips and attach it to the bottom of the new fencing to form a skirt about a foot to 18" wide around the whole perimeter, and cover that with some dirt. That will deter tunneling predators. Then get a roll of 6 ft tall chicken wire to cover over the top to keep climbers from dropping in to the run from the trees and to deter hawks. Then electrify it and leave the chooks in it while you are gone all day and have the peace of mind knowing that you have a first-class run that is predator-safe. Then you could add that 4th chook. Plan on quarantining her in a separate coop for awhile.
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