Have you ever had a nice rooster?

I have had tons of nice roosters, it is easier for me to just list the mean ones I have had because if I listed the nice ones we would be here all day-

Chester, Brown leghorn- Aggressive to all humans, lived till his 2nd b-day and then was killed by a Raccoon.

Jumbo Cornish Cross- snuck past my dad on cull day and made it till 1 year, he would attack small kids, was killed by a coyote.

6 White leghorns- hatchery must have been drunk when sexing this order because they gave us 8 leghorn roosters in are order of 50 leghorn hens, 6 of the 8 were aggressive towards all humans, 2 were nice boys. 4 of them were culled by my dad who got sick of being mauled by roosters every time he went out to the coop. other 2 were killed by a fox.

Golden Campine- From the same batch as all the leghorns, he would attack small kids. Killed by a coyote on year 1.

I have had the most problems with leghorns as you can see by this list... I have had over 30 roosters and these are all the mean guys who come to mind. I excluded a RIR rooster from the list, he is 1 year old and had a stroke when he was a few months old, he does not function properly and will do all sorts of crazy stuff, he attacks randomly but can't use his spurs for some reason so idk if a rooster that attacks you by pecking and ramming should count.
Right now I have 5 roosters, all of them are nice besides the stroke one, 2 RIR, 1 black Australorp, 1 EE, and a White leghorn.
Your stroke victim roo sounds adorable, have any pictures? I would love to see him ramming your leg.
I've never had a mean one! None of mine are pets....I don't pick them up and love on them like I might some of my favorite hens. They are here to do a job and I don't want to interfere with that ability. I only keep a couple at a time and select the one with a calm and confident demeanor that is not too aggressive with the ladies (though they're all kinda punks with the girls as cockerels until the older hens put them in their place enough and teach them how to woo the ladies). I have yet to encounter one who has ever been aggressive to people or any of our other pets roaming the property. I keep waiting for that guy to show up after all of the horror stories, but it hasn't happened yet.
I've never had a mean one! None of mine are pets....I don't pick them up and love on them like I might some of my favorite hens. They are here to do a job and I don't want to interfere with that ability. I only keep a couple at a time and select the one with a calm and confident demeanor that is not too aggressive with the ladies (though they're all kinda punks with the girls as cockerels until the older hens put them in their place enough and teach them how to woo the ladies). I have yet to encounter one who has ever been aggressive to people or any of our other pets roaming the property. I keep waiting for that guy to show up after all of the horror stories, but it hasn't happened yet.
I never would imagine a rooster could ever hurt one of my dogs, as I don't trust my dogs. If a roo ever wanted to attack my gals it would learn a lesson on why 5 pound predators do not challenge 50-85 pounders. We trust the girls to rewrite the rules as they need to.
Defiantly different definitions of nice.My rooster would probably kill any baby chicks I introduced.Other then that,he is friendly,defends hens girls,and is a great food and water finder.

This could possibly be instinct if you are trying to introduce chicks that aren't his. Have you had the chance to let hens hatch his offspring, or does he kill those too. If that doesn't work maybe let them mature more. Then try introducing them as new hens in a separate run until they are used to each other.
Well I shouldn’t say kill but he does peck and run them off,of course I have never just locked him and any baby chicks up because that would be foolish and asking for dead chicks..Yes I’ve hatched four of his chicks and he hated those too,and the mother as well
I’ve had quite a few. One was called Goldey and he was my first rooster, he got taken by a fox. I also had one called Mr Brownie he was nice. I had a polish rooster called Devil, he was very aggressive but I managed to tame him and he got taken by a fox. That’s to name a few
My rooster is wonderful. I've always handled him and still do. He does get protective of the girls, but that's his job.
He covers the eggs with straw to hide them. When my broody sets he will set them while she eats and then let her back on the nest. He doesn't attack people. He'll actually yield to people walking by and move out of the way. He even makes sure all the girls are in at night before he'll go inside. I couldn't have asked for a better roo.
Well I shouldn’t say kill but he does peck and run them off,of course I have never just locked him and any baby chicks up because that would be foolish and asking for dead chicks..Yes I’ve hatched four of his chicks and he hated those too,and the mother as well

Well that stinks. I'm sorry to hear that. I wonder why he doesn't accept his own babies. I guess they're all different in their own way though.

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