Have you ever had a nice rooster?

I had a stray rooster last fall. Don't know where he came from but he is beautiful. He came fairly close for me to feed him, but catching him was out of the question. One time he came running at me full force and I remember thinking he was going to kill me. He just thought I had food..lol. I'm sure he had no interaction with people, but he was decent. He found an older girl chicken across the way and he moved in. I went to visit him a couple days ago and he came pretty close to me. Do they remember people? He seemed to remember me.
I do not know how to answer this, I am actually speechless probably to the puzzlement of my peers.

EDIt- I will say anyhting that works for you and your flock working for you jis ust fine!
That pretty much says it all. We all have different ways of keeping our flocks, different tolerance levels to what we'll put up with as far as aggression, different birds with different personalities. As long as chickens are being managed humanely, there are no right or wrong answers to keeping them.

The Roo in my Avatar is very nice. He is an Easter Egger. He is still just a cockerel for about 6 more weeks. He is not human aggressive. I have taken @lazy gardener 's advice and kept an arm's length policy with him. I can pat him and he will move out of my way, and stand right next to me without incident. The ONLY time he gets excitable is when I handle one of his girls and they start squawking complaints!
Beautiful boy!
My boys are usually nice boys! I have 3 house boys now and one outdoor dude. All of those boys are sweet as pie.

Dirtburner is my outdoor guy. He is worth his weight in gold. A buff Cochin, deep in the midst of the worst of his hormone surge and any person can walk in and scoop him up for kissies. The best boy ever.

Flurry is kind of a pansy. He's my lap pet in the house and mostly just sits around being cute. Won't even fight another roo that attacks him. Purebred frizzle serama. Will be bred soon.

Magnum. Kind of a prat his first year. Kicked you in the leg halfheartedly. Big giant polish. Now has calmed wayyyy down. Likes to break things by flying onto the mantle to roost, can't see because hair.

Boss. Pretends to be dramatic. Wants your food. Sleeps on your knee when you watch TV. Only pet him on his terms or he scoots away. Thinks he's tough.

They have a nasty hormone surge the first spring. I tolerate a bit of funny business then but they are strictly disciplined for flogging behavior or being naughty. My boys are darlings. All of them. At maturity that leeway stops dead and they need to be good.
Here's flurry going for a ride, the boys like rides. Flurry is a great copilot

My roo was a spoiled little guy as a youth so he's agreeable with being touched and handled (although he's macho and TOLERATES not APPRECIATES) but once those hormones kicked in he'd still get mean moments. After a month or so of holding him or backing him into a corner until he calmed down, he's continued to be my stoic, handsome buff boy. He'll attack anyone new coming into the coop or anyone that hasn't showed him they're in charge, and if I'm not wearing my flock shoes on rare occasions he will attack them, but he's pretty good. Not for everyone but we kind of clicked. lol
My English Orp guys are almost always nice. We still eat them though (except for my flock rooster) as they are an excellent meat breed tenderness and flavor-wise. For every one mean rooster that someone tolerates and allows to have hens he doesn't deserve, there are 10 or more roosters killed because there are simply too many.
So eat the nasties, IMO.

Also, plenty of rooster behavior is learned, but most is genetic. Nasties make jr nasties-not that you won't occasionally get throw backs, but if it starts harassing you, don't keep at least the male offspring, if not the female ones.

A lot of breeders (but not all) will cull for temperament simply because they don't like being attacked at feeding and watering time. Hatcheries? Naw, not usually. Quite the contrary as the "vigor" and aggressive breeding looks like it boosts fertility.

Just my two cents.
I've never had a mean rooster (yet)! I have two mature ones that I got young, but not as chicks. I had one that I got at 2months old who was super sweet, but died close to a year old. And I believe one of the last three eggs my broodie hatched out is a rooster that is a few months old, but not positive yet. Hopefully he'll be nice...

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