Have You Seen Any Honey Bees?



I wish more people treated bees with respect and I liked your post too, cookinmom. My mother and grandmother taught me when I was very little to be calm around bees and other Hymenoptera. I'm very allergic and I don't swat, jump up and run around if one lands on my arm.
Perhaps now is a good time to offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the bees that we do have and for an increase in the number of healthy bees.
I have several huge thyme plants that are blooming that were covered in honey bees today. Of course, I'm pretty sure they were mine. I didn't have my glasses on so I couldn't read the brand. . . :| . . .okay, bad joke. I still think they were mine though.

Here in California my blackberries are covered with them they are out in full force. The blackberries are near my garden so I am happy to see them I think it was the heat that brought them out.
Respect for the bees is of great importance.

Numbers here have really dropped here with all the chemical no-till farmers in the area.

Bumble bees are more present on my apple and cherry trees than honey bees, something that isn't normal for their pollination.


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