Have You Seen Any Honey Bees?

I found 3 dead bumble bees all lying close together, the other day.

This is beginning to get unnerving.

They don't live long. It's natural to find them dead.

If the mite was tiny, like the size of a period at the end of a sentence in printed text, that was probably a chigger or such. Frequently picked up on the ground.

If the mite was brown and only a little smaller than a tick before it digs into you, it may have been a varoa mite. I'm not sure if they get into bumblebees, but I don't know of any reason they couldn't.
The tree in our yard houses tons of bees and several varieties, including honey bees... no lack of bees here so far.

.. nah seriously i didn't... i've got a couple of boxes down the front they're still here ...well in Aussie they are.... ohh you reckon they're all coming over here?
There was an interesting bee story in one of the local papers yesterday, The Nassau County Record. Last weekend a swarm of honeybees collected on the front of the local Winn Dixie (grocery). A crowd of people was standing around looking at it, then the Fire Dept came and cordoned it off to keep people from getting stung while they attempted to contact the owner of the building to get permission to spray the bees with insecticide.
But, fortunately, a local beekeeper "happened to come by" and asked if he could go get his bee gear and have the bees. So they said yes, the store employees gave him a box, and there was a picture of him in his suit and hat gently moving the bees into the box. The journalist commented on how calm both he and the bees were.
I think people have this idea of bees as these little evil monsters out to sting people out of meanness.

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