Having issues with sexing one Silver Laced Wyandotte


Jul 19, 2021
Oil Springs, ON
Hi there! First time poster, long time lurker. Our first group of birds were Lavender Orpingtons. I had zero issues sexing them and now that the hens are adults, I didn’t let any roosters slip thru the cracks. Our second group is now 14 weeks old and includes both Silver Laced Wyandottes and BLR Wyandottes and I could use some guidance on one.

The silver laced in the first picture just has a wattle and comb that is so much more red than everyone else’s. They are in the second group photo as well to show that their size is very similar, so I don’t know if just the colour is throwing me off. I have very obvious roosters in each colour that I used as our benchmark when removing ones I was questionable on, but still wondering if I was right.



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3.5 months - could be that she is going to be an early layer. Nothing screams rooster to me. I would expect a rooster at that age to be taller than the others, and the sickle feathers should be showing up.

I am saying pullet, I will be interested to know what others think. However, in my own flock, if I ever think, 'wait, is that a cockerel?' I am generally right.

Mrs K
3.5 months - could be that she is going to be an early layer. Nothing screams rooster to me. I would expect a rooster at that age to be taller than the others, and the sickle feathers should be showing up.

I am saying pullet, I will be interested to know what others think. However, in my own flock, if I ever think, 'wait, is that a cockerel?' I am generally right.

Mrs K
Early layer sounds good to me! I think it’s just the colour cause you can hardly tell that the other girls have a wattle or a comb yet and we’re still newbies. Thanks!
Hi, welcome from Louisiana.

That one is not an easy one. That bright red comb and wattles are worrying but I've had pullets start laying at 16 weeks so maybe it is a sign of early laying. The legs look a little heavier than I'd like to see in a pullet but not so heavy that it is anything sure. I don't see any saddle feathers which is to the good. The hackle feathers look kind of sharp but that could easily be an optical illusion. The white in that pattern could make them look a lot sharper than they actually are. The tail feathers appear to be curving down which is not a good sign but pullets can sometimes have curved down feathers too.

However, in my own flock, if I ever think, 'wait, is that a cockerel?' I am generally right.
I agree with that. It is often easier to say "that is definitely a cockerel" than it is to say "that is definitely a girl".

Since it is so unsure at that age I'm leaning toward boy. Don't do anything really dramatic yet but do have a plan if it turns out to be a boy.
I also have this “guy” that I left in the boys club, but now his tail feathers have me second guessing. His hatchmate is right in front of him in the second photo, and he’s also quite a bit smaller. Hoping just a small cockerel?


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Hi, welcome from Louisiana.

That one is not an easy one. That bright red comb and wattles are worrying but I've had pullets start laying at 16 weeks so maybe it is a sign of early laying. The legs look a little heavier than I'd like to see in a pullet but not so heavy that it is anything sure. I don't see any saddle feathers which is to the good. The hackle feathers look kind of sharp but that could easily be an optical illusion. The white in that pattern could make them look a lot sharper than they actually are. The tail feathers appear to be curving down which is not a good sign but pullets can sometimes have curved down feathers too.

I agree with that. It is often easier to say "that is definitely a cockerel" than it is to say "that is definitely a girl".

Since it is so unsure at that age I'm leaning toward boy. Don't do anything really dramatic yet but do have a plan if it turns out to be a boy.
Thanks for all that info! This group is about to be split and “she” will be going in with a “definitely a cockerel”, so I will keep my eye on them.
Hi there! First time poster, long time lurker. Our first group of birds were Lavender Orpingtons. I had zero issues sexing them and now that the hens are adults, I didn’t let any roosters slip thru the cracks. Our second group is now 14 weeks old and includes both Silver Laced Wyandottes and BLR Wyandottes and I could use some guidance on one.

The silver laced in the first picture just has a wattle and comb that is so much more red than everyone else’s. They are in the second group photo as well to show that their size is very similar, so I don’t know if just the colour is throwing me off. I have very obvious roosters in each colour that I used as our benchmark when removing ones I was questionable on, but still wondering if I was right.

Looks like a premature pullet to me.

The feather pattern should be much different if it was a male, here a picture of a 13 weeks old cockerel for comparison https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/slw-cockerel-or-pullet.922716/post-14275805

And welcome to BYC :frow

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