having problems with my hovabator genesis 1588 incubator!! please help!!

You don't have to remove the chick it can live for up to 3 days in the incubator, I worried about them rolling the eggs around too but it didn't seem to hurt anything I had a decent hatch. If you do remove the chick make sure it is either dry or you have a good draft free brooder set up for it to dry under the light and if you open the incubator have a spray bottle on hand and mist the remaining eggs and walls of the incubator with warm water, and open/close as fast as possible
If it wont affect the other eggs i may have to leave it in the bator. I am just concerned because he is moving all over the bator establishing his balance.
I was able to hatch 6 out of 11 at lockdown. Not bad!

now, it is the 5th day of my second set and everything was ok till this morning at a constant 99.8f and 45%humidity. This lunch time from work, i came home to see the tempat 101.9f. I am notsure how many hrs it has been running like this but it should be 4 hrs atthe most. Now i have lowered it to 101f but i amnot sure if damage has already beendone to the embryo. Is there a way of knowing if they are still ok?
I am sorry for the typo because i am using a cell.

if the eggs have been at 101.9 for 4 hrs, will the embryo still survive?
Thanks, i hope they are still ok. This is only my 2nd set with this genesis hovabator. The manufacturer says it won't go beyond 100.5 but i guess the electronics are damaged already.
My hova bator lcd display has the temperature between 99.5 f to 99.7 but i used 2 new surgitech digital thermo, putting itin the opening vent and the temp that registers 4 times on both digital thermo is 38.2c which converts to 100.7 or 100.8f. Is this temperature safe?
My hova bator lcd display has the temperature between 99.5 f to 99.7 but i used 2 new surgitech digital thermo, putting itin the opening vent and the temp that registers 4 times on both digital thermo is 38.2c which converts to 100.7 or 100.8f. Is this temperature safe?
the temp in an incubator fluctuates as a thermostat turnes the power to the heater off and on

there is always a swing in the air temp but its the egg temp that is critical

a human thermometer is also designed to measure in a fluid not air.

turn off your turner. out a pill jar with water in the turner under your vent hole for an hour and measure the temp

btw 100.8 wont hurt.

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