Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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I don't think the background will matter all that much... dark for light and light for dark.... just so long as it's pretty consistant per breed.
Aww Nifty -- you are so good to us. Thanks.

kbobulski - ya, I could see a two year old helping with picture taking...
I like your idea about meeting in chat ... it may be hard to get us all four (and Nifty if possible) there at the same time though. This week is really busy for me (a big conference I'm helping at Wed - Saturday) but I would be available Sunday afternoon and evening. I hate to wait that long though to get more going.

Actually, I could be in chat tomorrow evening after, say, 6:00 p.m. mountain time.

I like the light grey idea for a background ... I have nothing that's light grey... thinking, thinking. Oh well, maybe we could offer a couple of colors that people could use for the background in case they don't have light grey.

It's time to make our 'rule cheat sheet' as Guitartist said.

1) Send all money and compliments to Chirpy.


1) Must have breed, age, color, sex (if known) with submission.
2) Use a grey or ________ or ________ color background.
3) Have one good side picture (do we want to specify the side?)
4) Include legs and feet in picture.
5) Have one good mostly front head shot showing comb.
6) Have one good side head shot showing wattles.

What else? People??? Suggestions??? Dawn where are you?
Remember, you can really easily horizontally flip a picture in any photo program and it pretty much looks the same as if you had taken a pic of the other side of the bird.

I've got an image depositing location for everyone (well the responsible organizers) to use.

Remember, you guys worry about Getting, Organizing, Choosing, and Naming the pictures. Once we have those we can workout thumbnails and page setup.

I didn't notice... did you guys finalize ages of pictures and image minimum size (not worried about maximum because they can always be shrunk)? I'd shoot for a minimum of 800 pixels wide. What do you think?
I think we should shoot for a large size as they can always be shrunk... otherwise we may run into problems with images lacking detail.

I'm SUPER tired... I'll get back to you on the rest tomorrow
I agree with the minimum of 800 pixels and I agree that I'm really tired and will think about this more tomorrow.

Geez.. I miss a few days and this thread explodes!

I have a lot of photos of my babies... Black A's, EE's, a Brown Leghorn... and I just got another batch of babies that include Silver Lakenvelders and some other breeds I'm not sure of yet (I'm taking pics anyway until I figure them out!).

Examples of what my pics look like are on my blog... I have LOTS more on my computer too. I am a photo-phile!!

This is a small version of my pic of a 3 week old EE with a 2 day old EE... (I love this one!!)


I emailed... but I wanted to post here too... I am interested in helping!!
I liked the idea of having a picture of what kind of egg they came from. Also is there some way to include a ruler in the background to get some kind of size idea (even for the eggs)? I know for myself (as a newbie) it is hard to judge sizes of the chicks. I also struggle with medium vs. large egg, what do people consider cream, light brown, tinted, etc. Heck you could have a page just entirely devoted to eggs... sigh
Picture ages?

Egg (if available)
day old
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
6 weeks
8 weeks
12 weeks
18 weeks

Just my thoughts. I think we should aim for a full body shot and a head shot to show comb and any facial markings for each age, and a shot of the feet if colored or feathered (although try and show feet in full body shot).

If the photo is large enough we can always crop and enlarge the head in the photo if the comb is visible.

We definitely want to try and get a series of each sex.

Being able to flip the picture is a good point!

Suggestions for taking photos might be:
Set up a photo taking station, preferably out of direct sunlight. try using a white or light grey sheet to cover the floor and backdrop of the photo station. Place a standard 12 inch ruler vertically against the backdrop.

Try having a partner hold the chick in place until just before the photo is taken to help the chick "cooperate".

Please take a full body shot of the chick, including feet, and a head shot of the chick with the comb visible.

Photos must be in one of these formats: (we need to determine)
Photos must be a minimum of (we need to determine) pixels.

We should also mention that someone does not need to be able to provide every single photo to participate. THey might not have a day old, or an egg shot, but we could still use the photos they do have!

Also, does anyone have any good ideas for marking specific birds that we are taking photos of? I'm new to the breeding thing and haven't banded animals yet, so I don't know how early you can do that.
We also don't want to be too restrictive about the photos. We don't want to make it so much of a hassle that people won't participate, plus it sounds like a number of you already have photos taken that we could use, even though they might not have the exact same background or whatever.

I like the idea of having a ruler in the background, for sure, but if people have photos that they've already taken I think we should definitely use them, at least until someone else is able to take some that do have a ruler or something.
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