Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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Do we have a cheat sheet made up yet? I think we should make a BYC page that has all the specifics and sample photos. That way others who are submitting pics will know the requirements without having to read this whole thread
Why don't we set up a "breeds list" photobucket account that we can all add pictures to? We can put subfolders for each breed... it will make them easier to organize and post. Especially if we standardize the file names... Like "EE6wks" "BO2wks" etc...
I've got a place for us to send pictures ... I'll get that info to you all today.
Guitartist said:
Do we have a cheat sheet made up yet? I think we should make a BYC page that has all the specifics and sample photos. That way others who are submitting pics will know the requirements without having to read this whole thread

I think that's a great idea - let's find out what Nifty thinks and see where/if we can set up a page like that.​
Ok, here are the "Rules" that we seem to all like:

1) Must have breed, age, color, sex (if known) with submission.
2) Use a grey or a contrasting color background that is as light as possible.
3) Have one good side picture.
4) Include legs and feet in picture.
5) Have one good mostly front head shot showing comb.
6) Have one good side head shot showing wattles.
7) Minimum 800 pixels wide.

Ages of pictures:

1) egg (with a ruler if possible)
2) birthday or one day old
3) one week old
4) two weeks old
5) three weeks ??? *** we can skip this one week if you want... your thoughts?
6) four weeks old
7) eight weeks old
8) 12 weeks old
9 full grown

There is so much more that I, too, would like to add but lets get started with this and then add as we progress. (Ex: being able to find a chick by typing in 'feathered legs', or 'number of toes', etc.)

Please feel free and encouraged to give your thoughts about all of this. We are all working on this together so if you don't like something just say so and we can all discuss it.

We are going to have a BYC page, as Guitartist suggested
that we can link to. More on that later.
Ya'll are doing a fantastic job! I know I'm a pretty impatient person and would love to have this available and completed for the community yesterday, but then I step back and realize that this can be a fun project that many many people can continue to work on and perfect!

On a side note, related to the rules: I'm super proud of everyone for pulling together some guidelines and I think this is necessary for us to do a good job. That said, please make sure everyone you talk with about contributing and helping out know that they don't have to have perfection to submit to this project. Again, something is better than nothing and we don't want people too intimidated by perfection to make a submission.

Again, great work to everyone, I'm really excited to see what this will become!!!

Exactly Nifty. One of the things I want to add to the BYC page that people read is that they should submit any picture that generally adheres to our rules and that isn't fuzzy.

Then, if that's the only picture we have - we'll use it until we get another one that is clearer/better. Like Nifty said earlier ... it's better to have something than nothing.

Also, if they only have one picture of a certain breed at say, one week old, to please submit that one picture. It may take ten people submitting one picture of a breed to get all the different ages we want.

I totally agree that this project page is for everybody and should be made by everybody that can pitch in with pictures. You don't need to be a professional photographer or have a professional camera to participate.... (good thing or I'd be out already. :|)
Just for info, in case anybody cares ... I'll be gone for the next two days. Back on Sunday.

Later gaters...
Sounds great.

I would add that it would be helpful to have a ruler with each picture, but not necessary.

I like the 3 week age, and would add 6 weeks as well. So much changes between 4 and 8 weeks. I would also add 16 weeks before adult, if I had my druthers. I have 19 week old marans that look like adults to the untrained eye, but if you compare them to photos of mature birds they still look like juvies.

Again, ideals.

I like the idea of having one "repository" for photos. As far as file naming. I think we should have the full breed name, color, age.

eg: OrpingtonBuff1Week

Some of us aren't familiar with all of the abbreviations (maybe I"m just speaking for myself
) But having uniform file names will be very helpful.

We also need to decide on rules for those of us that are formating the photos. Final size, direction the bird is facing, if we're framing the photos in black or anything, how we're adding a caption, etc..

Should people who are submitting photos post them on the photobucket site, put them in a folder somewhere on BYC that we're using, or send them directly to whoever is handling that breed?

Once we get all this worked out we should post a new topic asking everyone to get involved! We can ask people to let us know if they have birds that they will soon be taking photos of, so we know what will be coming in and can try and contact people for breeds that we don't get volunteers for.

Maybe someone should be responsible for "other breeds"? We don't want to turn down other breeds, but people will need to know where to send those.
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