Hawk attacked my guinea!


5 Years
Dec 22, 2014
Dalton Ga
Ok, so a hawk attacked my guinea, Thelma. She had some nasty puncture wounds but nothing too bad. Those are all cleaned up and look fine. But she can't balance. She puts pressure on both legs and neither leg has any irregularities but when she tries to stand she falls forward. Please tell me there's something I can do for her. If something happens to Thelma then my other guinea, Louise, will lose her mind. And it'll break my heart.

Ok where is the wound? If its on her head(my phone sucks i cant really see the picture well) it could have cause brain damage that might show in the fact she cant stand.
Ok where is the wound? If its on her head(my phone sucks i cant really see the picture well) it could have cause brain damage that might show in the fact she cant stand.

I can't get a decent photo of any of the punctures right now. They're all on her back and sides and appear to just have broken the skin. When my husband gets home I'll try to get pictures of the stabbed places. I thought maybe her back was broken but she has all functionality of her tail wings and legs.
Uh... I havent a clue then maybe a tendon.. I am just guessing but something is wrong. Maybe someone with more experiance will know i keep researching.
I be praying she does. I imagine that the talons on a hawk can go deep. an do nerve damage. Which can heal so i hope in away that's all it is and that it heal ls
I be praying she does. I imagine that the talons on a hawk can go deep. an do nerve damage. Which can heal so i hope in away that's all it is and that it heal ls

Thanks for the prayers! I think it was a pretty young hawk because it didn't fly off with her and she's only 14 weeks old. I heard thelma and ran to the window. I think that's what scared it off maybe. This plastic owl isn't cutting it anymore. I'll be investing in some pie tins :-/

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