Hawk protection withOUT netting? Covers? Flash Tape? Help.


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2022
I live in an area where hawks are . . . abundant. We are trying to design our run and are really wanting to avoid netting the top if possible. We'd like to do some pasture rotating and so the fence line will be changing often. Many sources I'm seeing say to just offer a place where the chickens can run and take cover. Is this really adequate? Will a hawk really not follow them under the cover and get them anyway? Maybe I'm misunderstanding something in regard to hawk behavior. Someone let me know if this method has actually worked for you and give me hope, because it seems like the best option for our space if it is indeed reliable.
Places to hide helps a lot! I had one failed hawk attack last year, the intended victim did a submissive squat when the hawk tried to take her 🤦‍♀️, she got plucked really good but no injuries. The rest scattered to all directions, woods, under propane tank, under coop. Chickens are smart!
Hawks I deal with, especially Cooper's Hawks will follow a chicken into cover. My adult roosters and broody hens become very willing and able to turn tables on hawks approaching from ground and they often attack and drive off a hawk on the ground. Chick / juvenile or hen only flocks do not fare as well. Nore do the more ornamental or bantam breeds.
The best thing you can do to keep hawks away is to feed the crows. Hawks and crows are natural enemies. I faithfully feed the crows in my field and they’ve never let me down when it comes to chasing a hawk away. It’s an awesome sight to behold.
The best thing you can do to keep hawks away is to feed the crows. Hawks and crows are natural enemies. I faithfully feed the crows in my field and they’ve never let me down when it comes to chasing a hawk away. It’s an awesome sight to behold.

Interesting. So what do you feed them? How do you initially attract them? Any downsides to having a bunch of crows around all the time? I've got crows and ravens all around, but I wouldn't say they are regularly active in my yard, yet.
Just fyi - I have portable fencing and I use netting (assuming that's the cause of your looking for other hawk deterring methods). Our current set up is about 600 sq ft, but we change it periodically. We will be expanding to about 1400 sq ft soon. We will still use netting, but, at that size, it will be more permanent.
Interesting. So what do you feed them? How do you initially attract them? Any downsides to having a bunch of crows around all the time? I've got crows and ravens all around, but I wouldn't say they are regularly active in my yard, yet.
I feed them and unsalted peanuts in the shell. I’ll also feed them bread or sunflower seeds. . I go into the field around daybreak and toss a few handfuls of food onto the ground. I invested in a crow call to attract them initially. After a few weeks I didn’t need the call. They’re extremely intelligent birds. If I miss a day or two of feeding they’ll fly right by my bathroom and bedroom windows as a friendly reminder to feed them. I know it sounds crazy but it works! I haven’t found a downside to their presence. They’ve never bothered my garden.

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