Hazel's Beak injury, updated (Saturday 21st) with new pics!

Definately looks like it was peeled off. I would offer her some hard boiled egg yokes...maybe some cooked oatmeal. Anything soft. Might not be a bad idea to seperate her from the others, and add a few vitamins to her water. The poor dear. Im sure it is very painfull. Maybe some aspirin for the pain? Hope she heals well, and fast.
Just a thought I have seen parrots rub their beaks until they were sore like that when they had picked up a thread or string from the covers on their cages. The thread was around their tongue and they were trying to get it out. I know a long shot? But maybe string or twine from a grain bag? Or a sting from an insect or nettle in her mouth.
Ok but.... how do you get a chicken to open its mouth?
Guess I shoulda asked that a long time ago.
Oh and , the one thing I can think of that may have caused this, Domineak the dominique loves to chase hazel around the coop.
Ive mentioned this in other posts, its the only unrest in the flock, for some reason domineak sees hazel as some kinda threat, although at other times they are inseperable.
She may have run into the wall while runing away from Domineak.
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It will probably take 2 people....wrap her in a towel, to keep her from flapping.....have one person hold her....and the other pry the beak open carefully. Have a flashlight handy, or be under good lighting. You might only get one chance to look. I would wait untill tomorrow....so she can rest from the trauma she has already been under.
Ok, thanks for the info, everyone!.
Will take a look in her mouth tomarrow.
I can pick my chickens up and lay them on their back in the bend of my arm, they seem to become very quiet that way. (like cradling a baby.) Mine will struggle for a few seconds then calm down. Maybe use a penlight or a small flashlight to see a little better.

If I remember correctly the top beak stays stationary, only the lower beak moves. Yeap just tried it on one of the chicks in the brooder...I lightly held it's head on each side. Placed my thumb nail between the beak on the side as close to the face as possible and moved my hand and fingernail gently downward to open his mouth.

The aspirin sounds like a good idea. Have faith it is something easy to fix. She's a very lovely girl.
Thanks again everyone

A few things worth mentioning:

I decided Not to separate her from the rest of the chickens, if they had been picking at her I would have, but as it is I think it would cause more stress then anything and besides, I really don’t have anywhere to put her.

They all went in for the night a little while ago and things are definitely off.
Hazel and Domineak are both in their regular spots on the roost.

The australorps always sit on the beam that crosses where the Dominique’s sit, on the south side.
Tonight the Australorps are sitting on the north side; none of the chickens have ever sat there before.
Domineak seems a little restless as well.

The two younger chicks were in the extended run all day.
Hazel spent her "outside time" watching them, while the others ate and had dust baths.

I'll be keeping an eye on them all night... as I always do
Morning should tell.

Thought someone might find that interesting.
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The arnica montana that I mentioned in the other thread would definitely be indicated for the pain and swelling, as well as the emotional trauma. You'll be looking for the homeopathic version (not a gel, cream or tincture). Ideally, look for pellets that are 30C or so (if you can only find 6X, they typically recommend you administer them more often throughout the day).

Both the arnica pellets and the Rescue Remedy can be found at many health food stores. Just ask them where they keep their homeopathics and flower essences. Add them to the waterer. It's ok for the others to be drinking from the same waterer; if their bodies don't need the remedies, they simply won't use them--doesn't cause adverse affects.
BTW, I agree with not causing more trauma than is necessary, particularly when Hazel is already stressed out. But if she is more easily handled at night, perhaps it would be easier to check these things tonight rather than in the morning? Just a thought.

Oh, and the Rescue Remedy should be helpful for all the other girls displaying stress from the experience, too.
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If she hit her beak and bruised it (like when you smash your fingernail with a hammer) it hurts like heck. She might be exploring with her tongue to see what's up, like when you bruise your lip.

The aspirin in the water is a good idea. 5 tablets in a gallon of water might be better than one (Wes in Texas recommends 5). She is stressed and probably not drinking alot. So more in her water will get to the pain faster.

As for the unsettled atmosphere in the coop, it might be they sense something and don't know what and they get thrown for a loop. (We just put two teenage pullets it eh coop and they sem to jostle for position a lot. I know it will settle down). Yours should get settled soon.

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