Head Shaking ???? Is this a problem?


Rest in Peace 1963-2021
11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
NW Kentucky
I caught my 4 week old SLW shaking her head (side to side). This is not like a tremor or a neurological thing just occasional shaking of her head. The girls are all in that awkward part fuzz part feather stage...could she have some fuzz of something annoying her? I have checked for mites and lice...nothing. Nothing on her head, body, wings, vent area, legs or face.

She is not scratching, she is eating great, drinking fine, not acting out of the ordinary at all. The only other odd thing she does is sometimes when you are holding her she will shiver just a bit when you speak to her...just for a second and not constantly or ongoing.

Should I be concerned? This is my little parrot wannabe and I would hate it if something was wrong. If it is a problem, what should I look for, do or give her?

As you can see she has that 'yoda' looking fuzz on her head...

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hmmm, my slw has been doing the same thing, just occasionally, like something is tickling her head. She also trembled when held. It started at around 3 wks, and she is 5 wks now, she eats, drinks, plays and roosts just like the other chicks, maybe its just a trait of the slw, I hope someone can answer this for us.
Ah same thing exactly here...she is 4 weeks old today. Hopefully someone will have any answer for us.
Ok, chickens have a crop where they store their food. They aren't really prepared to use it until about this age. They are growing so fast they will eat verociously, fill their crops up (like tumors on the side of their necks!) and like all little children who over-indulge, they will sway around in shear exhaustion and misery. The only relief is to encourage digestion to make room - or regurgitate. Both actions will involve the chick stretching its neck out - trying to move that mass.

The stages of feathering also leave your little guys without much, if any, protection from the elements. Every breeze will cause them to shiver.

You will know your chicks are very relaxed, comfortable and happy if they sleep all stretched out on their sides or their tummy's. It is the most hilarious thing to see.

Hope this helps.
She was on antibiotics at 2 weeks old so I would not think she had any infection...she is not doing it a lot or constantly either.
My little baby chicks (born 9/3/08) are doing the head shaking thing. I didn't notice it until today. I started them on vitamin and electrolites last night. Do I really need give that to them if they seem healthy and are drinking? One or more seem to have diarrhea which started sometime last night after the change in drink.

This is our first time with chicks/chickens and we are loving it!

Thanks for the help.
My slw shook her head when she was a chick, she is now 7 mo old. We named her Twitch. Maybe it is just a trait of the slw. She doesn't do it anymore.

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