For years they've been stressing quarantining birds that are taken to shows for a month to include exclusion from the rest of the flock at home and changing shoes and clothes as you travel at home between the flock and show bird. How many people actually do that?
I wondered, so I asked people at our county fair last spring. NO one there di, not even the 4H kids. they show birds for days on end. Have random people come in to view and touch them from everywhere, and go home and toss the show bird back into the flock.
My neighbors aren't even allowed to visit my birds anyone. Not since one showed up announced with her 2 year old uncontrolled child and a three week old kitten, which she put down in my coop! Not sure which misbehaved more, cat, kid, or mother.
Which reminds me, I need to order bio secure farm, nonvisitors at any time signs
We have a big chicken meetup group with over 700 members of which I am one of the organizers. We occasionally have coop tours. We always have foot baths before anyone can enter. This has been going on for years. Since I got NPIP certification, no one has been allowed here if they have contact with chickens. I use shoes and boots only for work in the chicken yards.