Leslie, thanks for your helpful, tactful advice.
It really isn't any of your business but...I home school four children. In addition to taking care of the home, the flock, the orchard, etc. I spend more time on the internet than I'd like to spend as it is, researching various ways to meet each kiddo's needs, finding necessary resources for our science topics, networking with other HS moms of LD kids, and trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with our peach trees. Among other things.
There are 27 pages to this thread.
Googling brought me dozens of different articles on bird influenza, possibly because my search terms were not precise enough. I really don't have the time to sift through it all, or I would have done so. Using your search terms brought up results closer to what I was looking for. So thanks for that.
If a basic summary of 27 pages is asking too much, please...do forgive me.
It kinda is too much to ask. If someone tells me they can't read old posts, I don't really expect them to read new ones either. So I never understand the logic of this kind of request (which happens a lot here, because SO many of us are super busy, many of us with exactly the same stuff keeping you busy).
I always have good luck talking to google like it's a friend and not a search engine.
Search term: protecting backyard flocks from AI
And if you prefer youtube, there is this nice item:
This probably would have made a good HS assignment. Kids probably type faster than adults these days.