Health Care and Insurance Rant

I completely understand your frustration and I'm right there with ya!! I think our physician bill was $500.00 and unfortunately we couldn't get them to budge 1 penny, but the hospital did. I wonder how in the world they can get away with charging you for the physician and then the physician charges separately. SHADY, SHADY!! And we all wonder why our insurance costs are so high...this is why. I wonder how many insurance companies pay for things not done or things charged twice?? This is fraud of epic proportion and I'm ready for the revolution!!
Rockin' Reds :

YES, YES, and YEEESSSSS!!! Be prepared for serious writer's cramp too! Just hope you don't have to see a doctor for carpal tunnel!

The reason they charge those ridiculous prices is to show a huge loss. That way they have a lower profit margin and don't have to pay taxes. I've had 7 surgeries over the past 10 years. Every time, the medical bills are at least 5 times what the doctors and hospitals agree to pay the insurance company. The insurance company already has agreements set up with the providers about how much every single thing will cost. I've seen Motrin for 25.00 a piece on the itemized bill. The insurance company pays 25 cents for it.

Emergency room visits are always very costly. To the original OP. Don't stress too much. The bills you are getting are probably just the initial bills that the hospital and everyone has submitted. Wait for your EOB statements from your insurance company before you stroke out. All you have to pay is your deductible and your copay + most insurance companies will charge an extra 100.00 copay for an emergency room visit that doesn't result in being admitted

Yep, for profit health care is for the birds. They tried to change it and they failed. Now everyone complains because they didn't want the change and now they're still stuck with a big steaming pile.

If you have insurance through your employer just be thankful.
I don't think they did much of anything to change the system... made it to where everyone had to participate in a KNOWN corrupt system ... yeah they did that. And made it where the company can't turn you away... but can't they still price you away? Which is what they already do. So... yeah, seems like a bunch of smoke that in the end is just gonna result in the Ins Companies getting a lot more business while the people do NOT get any kind of rise in care. But that's my, admittedly not perfect, interpretation.


For everyone that does not think our system is not totally broken.
1. Try being self employed. (What the heck does health care have to do with employment anyway! NO other first world country does this...)
2. Take a serious look at the numbers, live span verses cost of care... We rank worse than many third world countries....
3. Once you are self employed now take another look at how nice the health care is in the EU...

IMO learn how to spell "Socialized Medicine" Every other first world country has it but us. (Matter of fact many third world countries do to...)

This subject disgusts and disappoints me..

I'm bumping this thread to see if anyone has any ideas on how to navigate the new Obamacare system.
a. Whats the best company?
b. Best plan with most reasonable deductable for a family of 4.
c. Most reasonable payments?

I just had a bad ER experience where they billed me twice just like the OP; did nothing at all and $2,500. About $60,000 an hour just to see the doctor if you figure the charge by the hour. I figure if you have no insurance they can charge you whatever they want whereas if you have insurance then prices will be capped.
I wish i could help you with suggestions. But we are lucky, a my husband is in the military THat means we have full insurance. I only pay for my kids glasses.

The only thing i can say is to COMPLAIN. File complains about everything, about that employee and the way you were treated, that the ER doc didnt take enough time..... whatever you can think of file a complaint about it to the hospital.
I wish i could help you with suggestions. But we are lucky, a my husband is in the military THat means we have full insurance. I only pay for my kids glasses.

The only thing i can say is to COMPLAIN. File complains about everything, about that employee and the way you were treated, that the ER doc didnt take enough time..... whatever you can think of file a complaint about it to the hospital.
My wife is complaining. The ER charged us for a doctor visit the the physician group too. But looking back isn't really what I wan't but rather forward. I am currently reading about deductables and health savings acounts. It would make sense to pay for a high deductable and then sock the difference into a HSA. Still confused because unlike auto insurance there is a HUGE difference in health insurance companies.

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