Healthy breeds


Art & Animals
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Jul 31, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I've been trying to figure out which chicken breeds tend to have fewer health issues. I want eggs but I don't need a ton, I don't need meat, I just want healthy chickens that live longer than 3 years! I also prefer friendlier breeds as they are easier to pick up, examine, and just have fun with.

My Buffs, RIRs, and Barred Rocks all got sick and died too young (from ascites and unknown causes). I realize that some of the deaths might have something to do with the way and where they're raised, but I've had a couple hens live over seven years (one was even laying at 7 years old!).

I currently have Easter Eggers and White Plymouth Rocks. I'm kind of worried about any chicken with the "Rock" name, but I'm trying them out. The Easter Eggers haven't had many health problems, but they are scaredy chickens.

So...what are your recommended breeds for me? Thanks a lot!
I was going to recommend EEs because they are so sweet! I'm sorry you got a skittish bunch! Maybe go for Leghorns or Brahmas? Good luck! :)
Thanks! Everyone says EEs are so friendly. I don't get it. I've had EEs ever since my first batch of chickens over 8 years ago and all 10+ of them have been pretty skittish compared to the other breeds I've had. I had a few who would come up to me and sometimes even eat from my hands, but they were hard to catch.
Thanks! Everyone says EEs are so friendly. I don't get it. I've had EEs ever since my first batch of chickens over 8 years ago and all 10+ of them have been pretty skittish compared to the other breeds I've had. I had a few who would come up to me and sometimes even eat from my hands, but they were hard to catch.

My EEs love to hop up onto me. And they are so chatty! They are going through their teenage phase right now, so none currently 'like me'! I've been told they will get sweeter when the reach laying age. I think it all depends on the chicken! ;)
Maybe I'm not getting "real" Easter Eggers (I think they were being called "Ameraucanas" by the feed store I get them from). :confused:
Maybe I'm not getting "real" Easter Eggers (I think they were being called "Ameraucanas" by the feed store I get them from). :confused:
Most feed stores tend to call them Ameraucanas because EEs aren't a real breed. It's hard to know whether you got an EE or Ameraucana.
Most feed stores tend to call them Ameraucanas because EEs aren't a real breed. It's hard to know whether you got an EE or Ameraucana.
Yep, I think they need to stop calling them Ameraucanas. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting Ameraucanas - some don't have beards, some lay brown eggs, etc.
Yep, I think they need to stop calling them Ameraucanas. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting Ameraucanas - some don't have beards, some lay brown eggs, etc.
Yep EEs are so random! All of mine have different patterns, feet color, some have beards, and some don't! Oh the joy of randomness! :p
Yeah, I love that you never know what color they'll be! The EE in my profile photo, Autumn (who is sadly no longer with us :(), was a wonderful surprise! I also have an adorable white one with black-bordered feathers. :D


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