Heart breaking day on the farm...

The cops came and took a report and co tatted owner of dog but they are denying it there’s dog ,guess I should have taken a picture of the dog killing my birds instead of trying to save them from it smh again thank y’all so much for the advice and support .

If you have it all recorded with a police report, and the owner denies it, then they can't possibly have a problem when you shoot it, as it wasn't their dog.... right?

Unless you want to inflict pain, which I doubt, then a BB gun is not the way to go. A cartridge gun fired at the skull front on with the impact point middle of the skull between ears and eyes is the most humane place to do it. Not easy with a moving target.

Or else set a trap, and cart it off to the dog pound. It would be worth 1/2 pound of steak to get rid of it.
This is awful. I hope you're able to get a sense of the many folks on the forum who support you as you suffer this loss.

And sadly, unless something substantial changes, it’s going to happen again.

Has it occurred to you to present your neighbors with an itemized bill for your birds? Not that that would bring them back, just wondering. And, are you good with a gun?
I have ne relationship with them I just try to mind my business they don’t keep there hard cut or house clean and the herd of ferial dogs the call pets have been running creek for months killing my grandmas cats I tried no lethal ways of keep them away and it word for months and I got up to feed and they were dead all over the yard and the dog was still trapped trying to kill my game rooster in the pen and tried to bite me ,they do not care about these start muttts that roam the yard and .... just filled with anger and hurt just trying to not start a fight and get law enforcement envolved I contacted themand animal control after it happend I just don’t think they will solve the problem idk I don’t mean to sound like a cry baby but it’s got me really ****ed up I knew some support from the members might help thanks for yalls reply means a lot in the time.
Yeah that’s the position I’m in last thing I need is to get in some kissing match and things get out of hand and they hurt my animals in retaliation and liek I said they have been reported to the cops and ani mal control.

Supposedly they are going to the dogs owner and address it .Its just so sad ,a completely senseless act of cruelty to animals that I cared and loved and hell of a lot . I literally do the dude from across the yard and just wanted to have it out with him but I know it won’t bring back my babies or the connection we had .
Legally, depending on your state, you can shoot dogs that are attacking livestock. Virginia allows. I’d also check with them so what you can do. I wouldn’t want to kill a dog but if it’s vicious and kills anything, trying to attack you, it needs to be put down.
~Im bobo’s wife
They have denied claims to the animal (Which we knew would happen), our law enforcement has let us know they are drawing up a warrant because the people seemed to refuse cooperate with him as well. We told the authorities everything that happened, Showed the pictures I had taken of the scene. We aren’t after the people which they fail to understand & since they have denied the animal once the authorities find him they have no right to get upset. The officer has labeled him vicious & needs to be taken in & if he bites them like it did my husband than he will be put down. Thank you for all the support you have given my husband in this time of need. Taken the time out of y’all lives just to talked to really meant the world. Probably kept him from charging next door to grab the dog himself lol.
Right now we’re waiting for the authorities to call back to let us know how to pursue. We’ve secured the rest of pens & will be investing for something for entire yard to make sure this won’t happen again ❤

This is typical stupid behavior.

This is all over the Bible, and real world psychology, and history where the problems just grow the more people try to cheat them away. Like cancer they grow.

I've seen this my whole life where lie, cheat, and still just get worse in siblings the more they fight it.

So I wouldn't feel bad if they get hit by the law.

Even if this problem gets dealt with, I'd still put up more anti-predator measures like people mentioned, especially the cheap ones. I also found out external cameras don't cost very much.
So sorry....I know how you feel...my neighbors dog has killed my guineas and hens at least 7 to count..my yard is fenced.
It cost me to make my yard secure.
Its now like fort knox! I've reinforce every thing I could think of. So far so good.
I've told this guy, his dog will be shot dead if it ever gets in my yard again.
You'd think people would at least have the courtesy to offer to pay to replace your birds.
Years of raising them cost me and its devastating to clean up the massacre.
Oh gosh, I am so sorry! Have the dogs always been a problem? I had to put down one of my Bernese Mountain dogs. She lost her training, reverted to a wild animal and killed three of my 8 chickens. When I yelled at her to stop, wait, sit, come, all her commands, she just took off after another one almost within reach of me. After 3 days of isolation I brought her out on a leash and she immediately lurched for a chicken. Sad for me. Sad too lose my chickens. I think the dogs have to go
I just don’t get it,my dog used to lay down with them and never chase let them groom her never show aggression towards them and thIs rabid, genetically unstable mutt of a hyper aggressive nature just took something that meant the world to me even if the out the dog down or whatever and and paid for my birds it’ll never get the love I had for them back ,I just can’t get past it or let it go it’s obviously got me up tonight on guard and just depressed just sucks
My elegant beautiful sweet bantams and little ducks were slaughtered about three hours ago by and neighbors wild ,dirty ,cruel dog....it’s really hurt me deeply and I want this seamlessly senseless act of cruelty to be answered for guess I’m just wanting some comfort and if possible a little info on deal with this mutt and if I can end it’s life legally ,any kind words and info would be greatly appreciated ,thanks to all the BYC members.
I live in Ontario Canada and I had a dog kill 17 cochin chicks in me while I was at work I do know we have a live stock protection law here but as for my neighbours dog I think it ran away :)
My elegant beautiful sweet bantams and little ducks were slaughtered about three hours ago by and neighbors wild ,dirty , cruel dog....it’s really hurt me deeply and I want this seamlessly senseless act of cruelty to be answered for guess I’m just wanting some comfort and if possible a little info on deal with this mutt and if I can end it’s life legally ,any kind words and info would be greatly appreciated ,thanks to all the BYC members.

So sorry for your loss. It is very frustrating and heart breaking to work so hard caring for your flock to have it destroyed. Please keep in mind that dogs are not cruel, it is a very natural and necessary instinct for dogs to chase and kill small animals. This is not the dog's fault. It is the fault of irresponsible neighbors who did not contain their dog. I would talk to your neighbors about this, they may not even know it happened. They may feel horrible it happened. Maybe they are good dog owners and it just escaped out the fence. It is a good idea to inform them and get all the facts before shooting the dog and starting a war with the neighbors. Killing the neighbor's dog, will not bring your flock back.

We have lost more than our fair share of chickens (over 100 in the last 5 years) to birds of prey, coyote, racoon, stupid farm accidents and yes the neighbor's dog. Our irresponsible neighbor had three golden retrievers that she would let run and they would come on our property regularly. I had spoken with her about it twice, and even called animal control. We live in the city limits with an ordinance that dogs are to be fenced in or on leash. One day we came home to find the three dogs had come on property, broken through our orchard gate and killed 2 of our favorite laying hens - the dogs were still in our orchard frolicking about. My first feeling was "I am going to shoot them!". Then I looked at them and realized it wasn't their fault, it was their owners fault. We closed the gate, contained the dogs, called animal control and pressured the city to take action. The dog owner was fined, had to make restitution for our chickens, and was given 14 days notice to build a fenced area to contain the dogs in or get rid of the dogs. She got rid of the dogs.
My elegant beautiful sweet bantams and little ducks were slaughtered about three hours ago by and neighbors wild ,dirty , cruel dog....it’s really hurt me deeply and I want this seamlessly senseless act of cruelty to be answered for guess I’m just wanting some comfort and if possible a little info on deal with this mutt and if I can end it’s life legally ,any kind words and info would be greatly appreciated ,thanks to all the BYC members.
Firstly, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's never easy to lose that which we love. I've had the same happen to my babies. 😭
Secondly, dogs are only as good as their keepers and that poor dog does not have a good life either I bet. The owners must be held accountable and the county can get involved especially if you make a legal complaint and get a sheriff to deliver it.
I know this may not be solution you want to hear but those irresponsible owners will just get another dog and it will grow up and do it all over again.

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