Heat lamp height?

You may want to rethink a brooder inside the house. It may seem like a good idea but after a week you will be contending with the smell and a layer of dust forming on everything. Our brooder is in the garage. A large brooder area (3x4 or 4x5 ft) is nice to have with the brooder lamp near one of the corners. This gives the birds the ability to huddle near the lamp or away from the lamp if they are too hot. You will want a 2 to 4 inch layer of pine chips for the floor bedding. A couple of feet high for the lamp will be fine and as mentioned.... you can replace the bulb with a lower wattage each week as the birds grow or raise the lamp to reduce heat.

We have a garage but I'm more concerned that it's winter soon and as such will get really cold. I intended the indoor brooder to monitor them and watch their growth as I am actually really nervous (these will be my first ducklings ever)

Perhaps eventually I can move them outside, I heard pine chips masked the smell pretty well?

Also general question: if the heat lamp is hanging, and it stabilizes by anchoring on the wall, will that be a problem in the future? Or should I try to just have it hanging free in the air?
We had our chicks in our kitchen as we have No garage and after about a week my 12 year was having Asthma attacks and couldn't breath. She never had breathing issues or Asthma before so when we brought her to the dr's we felt really stupid that we caused her illness.. Just something to think about.. You never know how it will effect your health..
ahhh you guys are making me doubt everything!! :p

but what does the dust come from? The bedding? What if I used horse pellet bedding?
Dust comes from the bedding and the new feather sheaths as they grow out.
Ammonia from feces can add to respiratory issues...baby birds can really stink up a house pretty quick.

Wonders why your are getting ducklings with winter coming on...what are your long term goals??

It would help to put your location in your profile and you probably would get better advice on ducklings in the duck forum.

Not trying to be harsh, but it sounds like you may need to do more research and get your facility plans in order before getting live animals.
Admittedly, I probably should have thought the winter aspect a little more through, but I intended to keep them indoors until they were more older and more cold-hardy. Then, we have a nice pen outside (used for other animals) were they can remain. Ultimately the ducks are intended to be pets; not for meat or eggs or breeding etc.

For the most part, minus some details that are gained from experience, I feel pretty confident in the set up, just myself is such a nit-picker that I am always worried something to go wrong

I appreciate the advice! I'll get on the location thing soon!

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