*Heat Of Battle*A Warrior Cat Role Play

"You never deserved to be Deputy anyway, Sparktail."Maplestar spat, Her claws digging into the ground.


Oakstar closed his eyes, letting his head drop."If my father Hadent been born,"He murmured,"I wouldn't have been born, and Bramblestar wouldn't have been born, Then we would have never found Maplestar, and ThornClan would have been as honorable as before.He looked up, locking his green gaze into Swanstar's Crystal blue."I'm sorry, Swanstar.For the destruction we did to your clan."He looked out behind Swanstar, to see Raenstar lashing her tail, pacing angerly spitting words of hate.He turned back to Swanstar."But we can't change our paths now.Its to late, we will never See Stright,"He murmured.


Swanstar dipped her head."I cannot blame you for whom you became, Bramblestar and Oakstar."She rasped,"Ashstar was the reason for this, and if StarClan had chosen him instead of Clawpaw, Then it wouldn't have happened,"She spoke gently, almost having pity for the two cats who had almost destroyed her Clan."Goodbye, Bramblestar.Oakstar."She meowed,"May our paths meet again,"She traveled up, stopping to greet Fernshade, and murmured something into her ear,"Dont hurt him.I know how much pain and suffering he caused you, just....Dont,"She meowed.


Fernshade cast one look at the brown SheCat and the orange Tom.She blinked at Oakstar, and turned to follow Swanstar.
Sparktail yowled over her shoulder when she heard this, "Then why did you make me?!"
Bramblestar looked up, the fire reignited in her eyes, "I am not sorry for what I did. I never killed without a reason, no one has to understand why I did it, but I always had a reason. It might be hard to believe for you, a cat born into a Clan where everyone is good and caring instead of cruel and selfish, but no one is born to be good or to be bad, evil cats are born to good parents and good cats are born to evil parents. I don't expect someone like you, Swanstar, to understand my reasons, but just know that every kit is born innocent and eager and its experiences change it to who it will become, whether it is led onto a light path or a dark path. Do not pity me, cats of StarClan, I am not a cat who deserves pity. I am not some kit who never got a chance to be known. I am Bramblestar and I don't care how I made my mark, my name will be remembered for generations."
Sparktail yowled over her shoulder when she heard this, "Then why did you make me?!"
Bramblestar looked up, the fire reignited in her eyes, "I am not sorry for what I did. I never killed without a reason, no one has to understand why I did it, but I always had a reason. It might be hard to believe for you, a cat born into a Clan where everyone is good and caring instead of cruel and selfish, but no one is born to be good or to be bad, evil cats are born to good parents and good cats are born to evil parents. I don't expect someone like you, Swanstar, to understand my reasons, but just know that every kit is born innocent and eager and its experiences change it to who it will become, whether it is led onto a light path or a dark path. Do not pity me, cats of StarClan, I am not a cat who deserves pity. I am not some kit who never got a chance to be known. I am Bramblestar and I don't care how I made my mark, my name will be remembered for generations."
"Becuase you where my only choice!"She spat.She turned, and her eyes widened in horror.A black and white starry pelted cat was speaking to Bramblestar and Oakstar.She pelted forward, and jumped inbetween them, and whirled around to face Bramble and Oak,"WHAT do you think your doing?!"She yowled,"Your speaking to a STARCLAN cat!Dont you know the are our enemy's?!"
"Becuase you where my only choice!"She spat.She turned, and her eyes widened in horror.A black and white starry pelted cat was speaking to Bramblestar and Oakstar.She pelted forward, and jumped inbetween them, and whirled around to face Bramble and Oak,"WHAT do you think your doing?!"She yowled,"Your speaking to a STARCLAN cat!Dont you know the are our enemy's?!"
"You idiot!" Bramblestar snarled as her former apprentice jumped in front of her, "Your miniscule mind apparently can't comprehend that I can speak to whoever I like! You don't give me orders, you pathetic piece of fox dung!" she unsheathed her unusually long claws and raked them down Maplestar's face, "I don't have to get some inferior rogue's, permission to speak to a StarClan cat. They may be your enemies but they are not mine. StarClan was my only comfort as a kit, they are anything but my enemies!"
"You idiot!" Bramblestar snarled as her former apprentice jumped in front of her, "Your miniscule mind apparently can't comprehend that I can speak to whoever I like! You don't give me orders, you pathetic piece of fox dung!" she unsheathed her unusually long claws and raked them down Maplestar's face, "I don't have to get some inferior rogue's, permission to speak to a StarClan cat. They may be your enemies but they are not mine. StarClan was my only comfort as a kit, they are anything but my enemies!"
Maplestar reeled back, shocked at Bramblestar reaction,"What are you talking about?!"She snarled, half outraged half confuesed."You told me StarClan was nothing and the only thing we had was The Dark Forest?"She spat,"I thought you'd be happy for what I have done?"


Oakstar unsheathed his claws,"Shut up you stupid fool!"He snarled,"You are a idiotic fool, Maplestar!"He snarled.

(EEEE epic plot twist, Va.
So, quick thing.Since Bramblestar and Oakstar are...Changed? are they still going to train Tiger and Meadow?Or we can have two other cats??...)
Maplestar reeled back, shocked at Bramblestar reaction,"What are you talking about?!"She snarled, half outraged half confuesed."You told me StarClan was nothing and the only thing we had was The Dark Forest?"She spat,"I thought you'd be happy for what I have done?"


Oakstar unsheathed his claws,"Shut up you stupid fool!"He snarled,"You are a idiotic fool, Maplestar!"He snarled.

(EEEE epic plot twist, Va.
So, quick thing.Since Bramblestar and Oakstar are...Changed? are they still going to train Tiger and Meadow?Or we can have two other cats??...)
"StarClan is everything." Bramblestar hissed, "By disregarding the code you have turned my Clan into an association of rogues. How could I ever be happy about that?!"

(Ooooh! I was just thinking about that! I think since Bramblestar's realized where she went wrong, it'd be weird for her to train them to be evil. So how about Hawkpool continues and maybe Maplestar can take Bramblestar's place? Another plot twist, how about Bramblestar and Oakstar guide Morningpaw and Thunderpaw to defeat Meadow and Tiger?)
"StarClan is everything." Bramblestar hissed, "By disregarding the code you have turned my Clan into an association of rogues. How could I ever be happy about that?!"

(Ooooh! I was just thinking about that! I think since Bramblestar's realized where she went wrong, it'd be weird for her to train them to be evil. So how about Hawkpool continues and maybe Maplestar can take Bramblestar's place? Another plot twist, how about Bramblestar and Oakstar guide Morningpaw and Thunderpaw to defeat Meadow and Tiger?)
"You always broke the code, Bramblestar!"Maplestar spat, her hackles flaring,"You killed cats and that is what you have always taught me!To defend my Clan and take what is rightfully mine!"

(Ehhhh, I wasn't thinking Hawkpool, because well, she does everything Oakstar does SOO.....I was thinking of using Oakstar's father, Ashstar.And you could make someone?Maybe Oakstar had a sister or something?)

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