*Heat Of Battle*A Warrior Cat Role Play

Morningpaw watched. As the fox sniffed the Squrriel, and then starting taking large ravenous bites.


Spirtkit bit into the Squrriel, eating hungerly."Thanks golden creature!What you called?"
(Tha tis what she is!)
"I'm called Morningpaw,"Morningpaw meowed gently."I named you Spirtkit, do you like it?"She mewed.


Spirtkit cocked her head,"Morningpaw?Why Paw?And why Kit?"
(Oooh. Have fun teaching the entire existence of Clan cats to an animal who should only hardly understand her, Morningpaw. I'll be waiting.)
(Oooh. Have fun teaching the entire existence of Clan cats to an animal who should only hardly understand her, Morningpaw. I'll be waiting.)
(*Mornungpaw jumps out of your table, bites your nose and tells you to shut up*


Morningpaw sighed,"It means which rank we are.Kits, like you, are called Kit. At the end of there name.Apprentices, which is what I am, a warrior in training, end with Paw, like Morningpaw.Warriors, which hunt and defend my Clan, where I live and you will soon, end with lots of things.Same for Elders, warriors who can't hunt or fight anymore, the Deputy, who will become the leader after the old leader dies.The leaders end with Star, and Only the leaders do,"She xplauned.

Spirtkit stared at her blinked.Then shrugged,"Ok."She barked."When can I meet these other golden creatures?"

"We aren't Golden creatures, sweetie.Where called Cats and we come in a lot of colors, black and white, grey, all the colors really,"Morningpaw explained."And, you'll meet them when your older."
(*Mornungpaw jumps out of your table, bites your nose and tells you to shut up*


Morningpaw sighed,"It means which rank we are.Kits, like you, are called Kit. At the end of there name.Apprentices, which is what I am, a warrior in training, end with Paw, like Morningpaw.Warriors, which hunt and defend my Clan, where I live and you will soon, end with lots of things.Same for Elders, warriors who can't hunt or fight anymore, the Deputy, who will become the leader after the old leader dies.The leaders end with Star, and Only the leaders do,"She xplauned.

Spirtkit stared at her blinked.Then shrugged,"Ok."She barked."When can I meet these other golden creatures?"

"We aren't Golden creatures, sweetie.Where called Cats and we come in a lot of colors, black and white, grey, all the colors really,"Morningpaw explained."And, you'll meet them when your older."

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Name: Snowkit
Age: 5 moons
Gender: Tom
Personality: lovable, playful, immensely curious, daring, brave, funny, he is unable to talk
Clan: Dawn clan
Description (NO PHOTO): Fluffy kitten with half face orange and the other half black. His body is randomly colored with orange and black fur. Tuff of white fur on his chest. Brilliant yellowish-orange eyes.
History: He can't talk about it.
Mate: Too young
Kits: He is one
Rank: Kit
Username: CP Chicken

Name: Vireokit
Age: 5 moons
Gender: Male
Personality: Ridiculously challenging; out to be the best; bitter; has bit of an attitude; feels like he is superior to everyone else(or wishes he was); despite everything, he is pretty pathetic; basically an angry fluff ball.
Clan: Dawn clan
Description (NO PHOTO): Extremely fluffy, and even more tiny fawn Norwegian forest cat. Emerald green eyes.
History: He was a very small, and weak runt of the litter, and his family gave up hope for his survival. They left him behind to die, but fortunately was found by a kindhearted Dawn clan cat. From then on, he spent his days in Dawn clan being nursed back to health.
Mate: Too young
Kits: He is one
Rank: Kit
Username: CP Chicken

(@Cluckcluck1215 )
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( I got a pic of bat kit! Ignore my brother

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