*Heat Of Battle*A Warrior Cat Role Play

Name: Zephyrkit
Age: 5 moons
Gender: Tom
Personality: lovable, playful, immensely curious, daring, brave, funny, easily distracted, he is unable to talk
Clan: Dawn clan
Description (NO PHOTO): Fluffy kitten with half face orange and the other half black. His body is randomly colored with orange and black fur. Tuff of white fur on his chest. Brilliant yellowish-orange eyes.
History: He can't talk about it.
Mate: Too young
Kits: He is one
Rank: Kit
Username: CP Chicken

(I changed his name)
"Ok."Spirtkit yipped.so....What do I do?"


Morningpaw narrowed her eye, and looked at the kit,"Ok, Spirtkit.This is serious.The cats in my Clan don't know about you, and can't just yet.So if you hear someone.DONT. MOVE!Or speak!"Se meowed seriously."And, roll in that wild garlic right there,"She meowed.
(*watches like my life depends on it*)

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