Heat Related Deaths or complications due to the heat.

My chickens have runny poo all summer because they drink like crazy.

Same thing happened to me today. My hen was listless yesterday, and slept all day today, then died. I do all I can when it's hot. Ice in the waterer, and one thing that really works for me is to run water and when it puddles, the chickens actually stand in it to cool off. When everyone is done, I turn the water off. I don't think this hen ever stood in the water puddle. Sad thing.
So sorry to hear you lost your hen today. I know it is a terrible thing to have happen. Mine are my pets and I love them and am obsessed over them as I am my cats and my Golden Retriever and my 2 geese.
So sorry to hear you lost your hen today. I know it is a terrible thing to have happen. Mine are my pets and I love them and am obsessed over them as I am my cats and my Golden Retriever and my 2 geese.

Me too, I love my chicken pets. Geese sounds like interesting pets too! How are they in the heat?
My hen, Phoenix, was lethargic, not eating/ drinking much.... gave her cool bath/ electrolytes,ice water.... seemed a little better, than died the next day also. I felt terrible. The other girls panted, but were other wise fine.
I live in Central Texas, and where I am it is totally normal for it too be 110F around noon-ish.
We almost lost one of our BRs, because while we were at the store she decided to be a broody. She sat in the nesting box, in a hot coop, for atleast 5 hours. On one single egg. When we realized she was there, she was foaming at the mouth, had crapped all over herself, and the egg was boiling hot. I put her in a pool of cold water, and luckily she pulled through.
to everyone who has lost birds to this terrible heat!
Our sweet little 3week old Polish (Elaine)died this morning. She was lethargic, not eating/drinking and her eyes looked watery, but she could not open them. It was the sadest thing ever to watch....helpless! She seemed fine before that and we've been giving them electrolytes in their water. We have a fan now and I'll be adding ice to their water as well. The older girls get electrolytes and cold fruits and veggies, like watermelon and tomatoes, etc...

We also lost our Buff Orpington last Wednesday. I'm guessing heat stress.

Praying we don't lose more...
So sorry to hear you lost your hen today. I know it is a terrible thing to have happen. Mine are my pets and I love them and am obsessed over them as I am my cats and my Golden Retriever and my 2 geese.

Me too, I love my chicken pets. Geese sounds like interesting pets too! How are they in the heat?

So far the geese have been just fine. they have 2 pools to climb into and they also are out of the pen all day to roam around as they wish. they also like the huge huge tree behind one of the coops and my storage shed. although I hate that extra large gumball tree it does provide a whole lot of shade for them. the chickens and geese go hang out back behind there during the hottest times. the geese are kinda funny because they follow me up to the house and come into the garage so I keep buckets of water up here for them. From what I have read they like cold better than the hot. (which I totally understand that) I hope we have weathered the worst of the heat but August is usually pretty horrid as well.

I hope everyone keeps their chickens as cool as they can and I am truly sorry for everyone that has lost some of their chicken friends this summer.
I lost another GLW yesterday.

The GLWs and the BOs are doing the worst in this heat (vs. BR, RIR, BA, EE, RSL, and BSL). I don't think I'll get any more Orpingtons or Wyandottes... Course, come winter, I'll be thinking "Hmm.... I should get some more Orpingtons and Wyandottes, they do real well in the winter and keep on laying."

My sympathies to everyone who's lost chickens to the heat. I know how it feels...
Oh noooooooooo. So sorry for your loss.
This pains me to hear this. When I read everyone's stories, I feel as if I have lost a chicken. I wish that I had a solution that would help everyone thru this.

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