Heating the Chicken coop in Winter.. Any suggestions

That's good advice but also, what happens to your chickens if you heat them and then have a power outage? Which often happens in winter. They won't be properly acclimated.
I don't heat or light my coop. I have a tarp over the run and put clear plastic on the sides and over the door. In the winter, it's like a sauna in there during the day. If it's going to be below zero, I sometimes worry about my three silkies, who sleep on the coop floor and so I'll fill a kitty litter jug with hot water and bury it in the shavings to add a little warmth.
Hi. Thanks for the replies!! I do think I will resume my original plan of doubling the coop size. next weekend. I am sure my birds will LOVE that! probably skip heating the coop. I will use the clear plastic for a wind break.

Also glad to hear that I am not the only nut that will shovel snow for my birds! lol. Thanks!
You're not a nut, whatever it takes to get them out. They really don't like walking in the snow and I worry about frostbite so I spread straw over the snow to give some insulation.
I live in northern Maine (think 1 hour from Canada). We have very cold snowy winters -30 to -40 during the January deep freeze. This will be my first winter with chickens but I don't have any plans to heat my coop. The coop is insulated and the run is covered and will be plastic enclosed to keep snow out. My thoughts are if those tiny little chickadees can survive out in the wild, my chickens should do okay In a somewhat protected environment, lots of people up here have chickens and it is rare to provide supplemental heat. I will plan on heating there water to keep it from freezing but God gave those birds lots of feathers for a reason.
What is the best way to heat the chicken coop with a portable heater, Electric no gas. What is best radiant, Wall.. ext... I don't want propane or gas, Any suggestions on what will keep the chickens warm in the winter? now winter is far a for me but I want to stay on the Bright side!

Why do people insist on fixing things that are not broken???

I live in Canada subject to -40º C or F take your pick. Cold hardy chickens can beat the cold. (with added corn for feed). Your chickens are twice as likely to die form heat during the summer months.

Your money would be more wisely spent trying to aid them to BEAT the HEAT in my opinion. What do I know I only have been living in Canada for 64 trips around the sun and raising chickens for a many of those years in the winter (CANADA think NORTH POLE.)

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Hokum coco I have a shed just like you little grey one i'm trying to do up, can you explain what you did? I'm over on the other side of the country in BC but it gets cold here too. Thanks
Hi. I did double my coop size this weekend. I went up, but I don't have the 2nd floor in, yet. A few of my girls were pretty irritated with me for disrupting them, but I think they will be happy in the end! I have to add vents to it still too. Thanks for the advice. I did buy a heated waterer, too.
Hokum Coco,

From looking at the picture of the inside of your coop, I had a flash of an idea, so I give you the credit!
I'm moving my roost bar to the back of my coop away from my big window at least for the winter.

You can see the roost to the right of the 2X4 window. I'll put it on the opposite wall of that window and I should be able to keep that big window open much of the winter. At least until the bitter cold gets here from your place.
What is the best way to heat the chicken coop with a portable heater, Electric no gas. What is best radiant, Wall.. ext... I don't want propane or gas, Any suggestions on what will keep the chickens warm in the winter? now winter is far a for me but I want to stay on the Bright side!
I am a real fan of the sweeter heaters. They can be mounted on the wall or hum from the ceiling.
I hope to get on in each of my 3 coops this winter. http://www.sweeterheater.com/
Best Regards,
Karen in western PA
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