Hello All


6 Years
May 12, 2018
Saint Louis, Missouri
I'm a new member of the forum but have reading it for several years.

Right now I have one chicken left in my flock of Black Australorps. She's three years old. Next month I'll be getting three Easter Eggers. Because ours is an urban household we're limited to three hens (yes, I'll have one extra), otherwise I'd love to have a larger flock with roosters and various breeds.

I garden with the aim of attracting birds and various invertebrates to the yard, so the chickens are confined to their own yard to give the garden bugs a fighting chance and to keep them (the girls) safe from our small dog who would love a fresh chicken dinner.

So, I look forward to sharing stories about my chickens, asking questions, and benefitting from everyone's experience.
:frow Welcome from New Orleans, lots of fun, informed, non judgemental people here, who are happy to answer questions, if they can or point you in the right direction if they can't. So don't be shy about commenting on threads or asking questions, big or small, all are welcome and often contribute to something educational for all of us. Hope you enjoy being here.

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