Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

Both are really nice looking birds! I'd like to see more pics of your black, I have one that I just recently dubbed. I hope to show him in the coming year if he cocks out nice.
Both are really nice looking birds! I'd like to see more pics of your black, I have one that I just recently dubbed. I hope to show him in the coming year if he cocks out nice.

I will look and see if I can find or take some more.I have a few others of my young males I may try to post.I'm not very good at taking pictures yet.
i got this pair a year ago and bred them this spring, they do pretty good at shows and i'm looking for somebody to swap a couple wheaten cockerels w/ possibly at NEPC just to mess up the blood a little.

and just the hen
Gorgeous birds! What a nice pair.

My flock is currently without a rooster, and I found an ad for a 3 month old spangled OEGB rooster, and I simply couldn't resist calling! I pick him up on Wednesday evening. I'm really excited, this will be my first spangled! I'll post pictures when he arrives!
OK...I have some questions. I was thinking about getting into Serama's, but I have to admit, I kinda like the look of the OEGB a bit more. I assume they are not very winter hardy? Not that it matters, as I'm working on 6x11' heated enclosure that I'm sure they would love...my primary question is...how loud are the roos and do the like to crow a lot, or just in short bursts? I'm not really permitted to be keeping roos around, but if I had one quiet enough, I may be able to get it by.
Our Roo Cosmo Seems to be a quiet little guy. He always has his morning and evening crows with a few throughout the day. Some days more than others but he is not too loud. My guess is that the amount and volume of crowing will vary bird to bird? Hopefully someone with more OEGB experience will give us a better idea of the breed as a whole. As I am typing he is standing on our back steps crowing!!!!

Here is Cosmo he is a little bigger now, ( sorry for the red eye)
The spangled I'm going to get will be my first OEGB roo so I can't say much for how loud they are, but I can say that the OEGB are pretty cold hardy! It doesn't get that cold here, but it does get down to 15 or so degrees every now and then and my OEGB hens do just fine in that. I've had OEGB for years and I've never lost one to cold or heat.

I have seramas, too, and I think the difference between the two (other than the size difference) is that seramas are very tame and sweet and laid-back. The OEGB are more curious, energetic, and feisty. They do tame easily, though, and are friendly.
Old English will do very well in the winters. I have never heated my birds and right now its getting down to about 25 at night and all I do is cover up the wire so they want get a draft and I mix there laying pellets with a little scratch. Birds naturaling have down feathers so it does not take much for them. 30 and above you should have no problem with OE in fact I wished my birds could stay in 45 degree weather all the time. Thats when they seem to do and feel the best. I have around 200 OE and there crowing never bothers me to much, but I have 30 Jersey Giants and they sound like a fog horn going off all the time. My website has more pics of my Crele old english. I'm only raising and showing male lines right now.
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