Hello from Bend, Oregon

Hello Backyard Chicken friends!
My family and I recently moved onto five acres with an existing coop. It may be Spring in Bend, Oregon but our temperatures will continue to dabble in the high 20’s at night for awhile longer. We have a brooder set up in the coop with multiple heat lamps for our new flock of seven:
Buff Orpington
Plymouth Rock
Cream legbar
Speckled Sussex
Blue laced red Wyandotte
White Crested Black Polish
Silkie Bantam
We have had chickens in the past and are excited about our new birds.
Currently we are using wood shavings for the brooder. Unfortunately our daughter is allergic and has to wear gloves when helping with the chickens to help avoid a rash. Any recommendations on a non wood based bedding material?
Our two Valley Bulldogs (boxer & English bulldog) are very excited about their new guard responsibilities. Both can be found sitting on the Coop porch throughout the day guarding their new babes.
Welcome :) I'm in Prineville. A great bedding alternative is coarse (not play sand) sand. You can use a kitty litter scoop to clean it and it desiccates the poop which makes it less stinky etc.
Good Luck :)
So sorry you lost a couple chicks to the heat lamp. You may want to search for the BYC article on "Mama heating pad," written by one of our great members Blooie. Nothing there to hurt or burn any chicks - and they think they are with mama. Okay chicks aren't too bright BUT it works!!!!

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