Hello from Leucadia!


5 Years
Mar 8, 2014
Good Morning.

It is great to see that so many are choosing to add chickens to their family! Would anyone out there be able to offer advice regarding "neighbors" of the mind set that chickens are "bad"?

Several of our neighbors on surrounding streets have incredible coops which are kept clean, are artistic, actually add to the landscaping! We would like to have one in our organic garden area... raise "gluten free eggs".....

You can start by offering them some of your eggs! I really don't know much about keeping neighbors content with chickens living next door, as I don't have any neighbors. LOL But if others in your area have nice coops, I would imagine that your neighbors will come around eventually. Lots of urban chicken keepers do have this problem with neighbors. Just keep it neat and tidy, no loud roosters and hopefully the neighbors can manage. I do wish you good luck. Sorry I don't have much input on this.

Welcome to BYC and enjoy all your poultry adventures!
Welcome to BYC. Frost was right when he wrote that 'Good fences make good neighbors'. Keep things clean and quiet, and they have no legitimate complaint.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry it looks like you are going to have problem neighbors. Do you talk to them at all? Try to find out what their fears are about your keeping chickens, some people have no concept of how nice and neat chickens can be kept, and that they can be contained. Offering eggs is always a good idea, and like TwoCrows said, give them as little to legitimately complain about as possible. Make sure chickens are legal where you are and that your set up is within the requirements. Unfortunately, sometimes there is nothing you can do to change their minds, whatever you do will be wrong, they will just have to learn to live with it. If you do a search on "problem neighbors" you will find quite a few threads on BYC and what people have done to deal with them.
People are nicer than me lol I would tell them to fly off and not give them any of my beautiful and delicious eggs. Neighbors are basically reasons #1-25 of why I would never live anywhere but the country

Thank you all! Can't wait to post photos of my coop with a living garden on the roof. Beautiful fragrant flowers, rosemary, jasmine.. all very happy:) Funny thing is, the coop is further from the neighbors house than my three trash cans and compost bucket. I've placed the coop within the ten foot setback ( County of San Diego) and have set it up to make it easily cleanable, a water fountain that will gurggle to add ambience, just a down right peaceful place in the middle of an organic garden!

I can't wait to have my girls. They can cruise around while I'm gardening and reading. Totally secure and beautiful!

Thanks again!

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