Hello from new member!

Hi! I just jointed. Thanks for having me. I have been on this site many times and enjoy the review and information I find.
I had chickens one time previously (bantam cochins). Then, I didn't have any for a long time. This past year I adopted two older hens, Penny (an Easter Egger) and Heney (a Cuckoo Marans). Penny is my cutest and best layer. Heney I find to be the sweetest. Then, in April I bought 6 leghorn chicks at Tractor Supply and then ordered 5 black australorps. Well, I am glad to have all of them. However, these are my issues. I understand my leghorns are supposed to be how they are (flighty) but the Australorps are also flighty but not as brave and friendly as the leghorns. I guess between not being able to spend as much time with them as I'd like and the Australorps brooding with the Leghorns, that's maybe what happened. But, they just don't seem like they ever were as gentle and friendly as the leghorn,s oddly enough, just naturally. So, the other issue is that now I have 5 leghorn roosters out of 6. I love my leghorn hen Rosie. She's flighty but friendly and can be mellow and sweet. Anyway, I will deal with my shy Australorps but I really need to get rid of 4 or 5 leghorn roosters. Does anyone in East Tennessee, around Johnson City, TN, need any roosters for ANY PURPOSE? I will give them to you.
Thanks again for letting me join. :)
SYLVIA STEVENSON welcome to the crazy side of chickens where everyone clicks a little especally about chickens but we do have a few quackery here too you'll love it here. I sent you a msg about your roosters my sister lives near you and has lost her Roos to predators and looking for another one or two. So I'm quordinating this all the way from south west Georgia to get her some Roos. I sent you my tel number to call me and I'll arrange to rid you of your roo problem

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