Hello from Scotland! *Updated with piccies!*

I believe hubby said he visited Killodundeen?????? He has visited the usual tour sites such as the Edinburgh Castle and took some awesome photos of the Scottish countryside. I must copy some of his photos on his trip there and share them with you.
Hubby's mother's side is Thompson and she is pretty much more than 3/4 Scottish and rest of it is Irish and English. He looks good in kilts and he is proud of it too! He loves the Jacobite era (whatever that means!)

The Jacobite Risings were a series of uprisings, rebellions, and wars in the kingdoms of England, Kingdom of Scotland (later the United Kingdom of Great Britain), and Ireland occurring between 1688 and 1746. The uprisings were aimed at returning James VII of Scotland and II of England, and later his descendants of the House of Stuart, to the throne after he was deposed by Parliament during the Glorious Revolution. The series of conflicts takes its name from Jacobus, the Latin form of James.

The major Jacobite Risings were called the Jacobite Rebellions by the ruling governments. The "First Jacobite Rebellion" and "Second Jacobite Rebellion" were known respectively as "The Fifteen" and "The Forty-Five", after the years in which they occurred (1715 and 1745).

Although each Jacobite Rising has unique features, they all formed part of a larger series of military campaigns by Jacobites attempting to restore the Stuart kings to the thrones of Scotland and England (and after 1707, Great Britain) after James VII of Scotland and II of England was deposed in 1688 and the thrones claimed by his daughter Mary II jointly with her husband, the Dutch born William of Orange. The risings continued, and even intensified, after the House of Hanover succeeded to the British Throne in 1714. They continued until the last Jacobite Rebellion ("the Forty-Five"), led by Charles Edward Stuart (the Young Pretender), was soundly defeated at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, ending any realistic hope of a Stuart restoration.

My favourite era of Scottish history too. If any of you do make it over to Scotland you MUST visit Culloden moor where the above battle took place. The atmosphere is incredible. It literally makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Amazing place.

We visited Culloden when we toured Scotland...It was a very moving experence...and awesome...we left heather on the stones...

The country is just so unbeleivabely beautiful...lots of fog, mists, moors, rugged hills and sheep... We want to go back...
Wow , I love your pics. Your chickens, dogs, and scenery are all so beautiful! I would love to go to Scotland!
Good Morning English "Chick" Welcome to this wounderful site! I live here in New England in the state of Connecticut in the town of Hamden. I have two NHR'S one EE one Silkie Rooster and a Silver Pencilled Bantam Wyandotte Rooster along with a Partridge Bantam Wyandotte Hen. Enough said! Please tell me about your chickens and a little about Great Britain.
Yep, thats it, Cullodeen!

Now I want to grow some heather but I dont think they will tolerate the Illinois weathers. I love the smell of them!
Greetings from western Kentucky! Thank you for sharing your lovely pix! I, unfortunately, have not mastered the picture process
but one of these days....
Welcome to this wonderful community of thousands of friendly users (and a few grumpies here & there...
Hope to see you around the board!

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