Hello from Texas!


Jul 11, 2016
I'm new to chicken raising.
I have 9 chickens and 2 ducks all 17 weeks old.
There's 4 Barred Rocks, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Brown Leghorns and 1 Buff Orpington. I don't know what the ducks are. When we went to the feed store someone had stolen all the signs identifying the chicks. I was just hoping I got all girls.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! What live,y birds you have there :D That's a real pain someone stealing the labels :/ Do you think you may have some boys in your mix? Fingers crossed you don't! Be sure to ask all the questions you need to, everyone here to help and very friendly.

Enjoy your time here on BYC :frow
Welcome to the flock! I'm glad you joined us.
:frow Hi, and welcome to BYC!!

Looks like your ducks are a female mallard and a black Swedish, but that's just a quick guess by the pic :)

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