Hello, my name is Pat, i reside in New Brunswick, Canada. I'm new to BYC and I'm a new first time chicken mama!


In the Brooder
Jun 10, 2022
I received my first hen 1 year ago by accident, she wondered off in a snow storm and made her way under our truck and would not leave, after walking door to door through the community trying to find her home with no success, she became our garage pet. We work 8 to 5 Monday through Friday but spent all our nights in the garage building her a new home. One week later she moved in and three days later we introduced her to 5 pullets. I believe she is an ISA brown chicken and her new friends were 2 of the same bread, 2 Leghorns and a beautiful Austrolop. Unfortunately one of our ISA Brown pullets became ill after a couple of months of being here and we lost her but the others are thriving and well. We have a 3 year old grandson and he fell in love with the chickens and he's the one that named them. Unfortunately for the lady that wondered in the yard she was named "Chicken" lol followed by Gerty. Rose, Blanche and Pepper. We love our little chicken family and have learned alot in the past year, Google has been my best friend. Lol

I decided to join your community because your information and knowledge is my life saver.

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