
Wild Child

May 17, 2015
Dakota County Mn
Hello everybody! I just joined backyard chickens and wanted to say hello! I am owned by a Newfoundland/GreatPyranees, a German Shephers, and Akita, two Ragdolls, one barnyard cat, an Hotot rabbit, and a Senegal parrot! I recently acquired two Light Brahmas, two Auracaunas, two Silver Laced Wyandottes, one Golden Laced Wyandotte, one Black Star, and a Serama rooster. I am looking to get a couple of Cochin, silkie, or Orpington hens in or near the Dakota County area in Minnsotta so PM me if you have anything available!
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Hey Wildchild....Welcome! I just joined today so I don't know how to post things yet. But someone will come along and help. I know if you type Minnesota in the search box above it will take you to the Minnesota thread. Hopefully you'll meet up with others from your area and ya'll can share your love and knowledge of chickens.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Wow sounds like you've owned a lot of animals! I've always wanted a Newfoundland and an Akita. I've also wanted cats and rabbits. But all I have at the moment are chickens, a poodle and a guinea pig! LOL Anyways, welcome to the community! We are glad to have and look forward to seeing you around BYC.
Welcome to Backyard Chickens. Wow, you have some BIG, powerful dogs - how do they act around chicks/chickens? I'd love to see what the newfie/Pyrenees looks like.

If you post on your state thread you may find chicken folk in your area with the breeds you are seeking. Good luck in your pursuit

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