HELP! A Green Face!(Pics) What's Wrong With Her??

I had that bright green thing going on one of my hen's wings exactly as you describe. The joint there happened to be kind of swollen too. I gave some baytril for a few days but I have to say, it cleared up within a day or so so I couldn't say it was just the antibiotics. Oh, the other thing I did was get a smidge of plain aspirin in her. I probably give more credit to the aspirin.
My guess would also be bruising BUT.....bruising wouldnt create a smell. So that leads me to think infection. Are/were there any open areas that might have become infected and thats what all that greenish stuff is??? I'm just wondering.
It's definitely bruising. I have had it in my own flock. Rough Rooster. He was lovely but he had to go.
BTW It took 3 weeks for the bruising to go away completely.
The smell from them is probably from the feed they were eating and the condition they were being kept in. It will go away but it will take a little time...all that has to work its way out of their can't bathe it all off.
I vote for bruising as well. I've been to a farm where all of the chickens have a strange odor - but it's because of how they're kept. My chickens don't have such a smell. I even aquired a chicken from them and she smelled initially, but it soon went away. She's a much cleaner girl now.
Thanks. I was figuring it could have been from the previous owners. And what can I use to help he grow the feathers back on her head faster? The roo pecked it clean.
I'm still waiting for the feathers to come back on my birds that this similar thing happened to. I was told to wait after their molt.
It's definitely not "angry " red inflamed skin anymore. Phew!!!! So glad that rooster is gone.
and very happy you have rescued yours from the similar fate!
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Sounds like you have one Rooster with a extremely
bad attitude toward his hen. I would get rid of him. All my birds are gentle and easy to handle. Even my BO Roo is a very gentle roo. Hope your hen gets better and all of her bruising goes away soon. I have used Blu Kote on wounds like that and even Bag Balm. Good Luck

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