Help a Noob figure out what breeds she has!

I would keep an eye on the SLW. I know they are from a hatchery so it might just be bad "lacing" but those white patches on the wings are looking a little suspicious. Can you post pictures of the comb and wattles?
Yes I will as soon as I can take one (probably tomorrow unfortunately)...I am so new to all this...what is bad lacing? Also what would be suspicious about the white patches? Now I am freaking out...I love my Liz Taylor already...I was just feeding them worms and I was cracking up because she would run up like a maniac and steal them in a flash from the other girls.

I will be back with a picture of her comb and wattles...
I found some examples to show you what I was talking about.
This is an example of a show quality SLW hen. See how uniform the white and the black lacing is on her feathers?

This is an example of a SLW hen that does not have good lacing. Her markings are not very uniform and not very crisp.

Here is an example of a SLW rooster. It is not a great example but you can see in the picture that the tops of his wings up by the "shoulders" is all white.

Lastly, here is an example of a cockerel starting to get his adult plumage. You can see the white patches on the tops of his wings coming in.

Now, I am not saying that you have a boy, I am saying those white patches on your bird look suspicious but it could just be poor lacing. Hatchery birds are not going to have show quality markings (I know because I have a SLW hen from a hatchery as well) but they will lay many nice eggs.
Hope this helps!
I have a big black of my own I thought was a jersey giant for a few months until I was told she a java due to her growth rate was to fast for a jersey
Wow thank you so much for the info!
Honestly, and I will post a picture this afternoon but my DD is napping and I am stuck next to her, Liz Taylor looks like the juvenile male you showed a picture of...Especially her comb and wattles...Very pink like that. I don't think she is a he though...Well what would I know this is why I came here in the first place!
I don't mind if she is not show quality. I am just looking for some tasty eggs...Although the difference is quite staggering and the show girl is a beauty.
I will be back soon with a couple pics of her comb and wattles just so we can maybe figure it out!
Thanks again dsqard...great info!
Oh man, kill me! I am working on get the picture..I tried this morning while holding Liz Taylor and trying to keep DD (2) away from the camera and then finally gave up because it was raining...The kid is sick I am sick and this stupid chicken won't hold still long enough for me to get a picture of her face! Why won't anything cooperate with me!
DH is coming home with some soup soon and I am going to hold chickie while he takes the pic so we can settle mystery of our little Liz Taylor
You have
Reds- either RIR or Red Production Type, MM calls them Red Stars
Black and White - SLW Her color will change as she develops more and she will show more white
Black - look at the bottom of her feet, if they are yellow then she is a Jersey Giant, which I am thinking she is just from her size compared to the other girls. Although, not all JGs grow that much fast than the other breeds.
The other one IS a Dark Cornish. I know it from the look of the head and her build. Barnies are fuller, not as close feathered. They are really nice bird (DCs) and I think you will very happy with her.
You got a nice variety there, but they all lay brown eggs. Too bad they didn't throw in some whites and EEs for you to have a rainbow of colors.
I feel your pain.
Yesterday I was trying to get "body shots" of my four week old Brahma chicks and some of them just didn't understand the concept of "HOLD STILL"!
At least I didn't have a two year old "helping" me. Take your time getting the picture posted.
OK! DH has helped me take the pics of Liz Taylor and the chickies loved their worms again. They all stood against the fence clucking like mad while they watched us dig some up. So here we go.

Liz Taylor side view

Other side view.

another Liz Taylor. I hope that helps! She did not want to stay still for me so DH finally grabbed her.

Here is one of Big Black's feet which someone mentioned can determine Jersey Giant vs. Australorp

And finally, Mrs. B just being a gorgeous girl. She is very lovely and was first in line for worms today.

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