HELP! An animal attacked my hen! WARNING GRAPHIC PICTURES

any updates on how she's doing and acting, it's always scary but remaining calm they can over come a lot if your willing to take care of her, I nursed a young cockerel that had almost had his head taken off took almost a month of isolation while he healed as bad as it was but he's a happy well adjusted 5 year old rooster with his 20 hens where he went to live, it just does take commitment to do it and don't be afraid to ask questions

we cant save them all but where he had hard road to recover and luckily no nerve issues it was worth it. warning he sure wanted to be a cuddle bug
She still has an appetite and occasionally walks around or sits down for a period of time but it’s hard to say if she’s getting better or worse. I’m trying to stay calm as best as I can but I’m also constantly worried because her wound looks so bad. I know she must be in pain but I really want to help her pull through this :(
She still has an appetite and occasionally walks around or sits down for a period of time but it’s hard to say if she’s getting better or worse. I’m trying to stay calm as best as I can but I’m also constantly worried because her wound looks so bad. I know she must be in pain but I really want to help her pull through this :(
I personally think she should heal just fine. I'm not seeing more than surface flesh wounds. Keep it clean, keep her away from flies, and keep it moist enough that the skin is able to knit back together and scab up.
Forgot to also say, this predator will be back. I don’t think it was a cat. If it were, I think it would be at least bobcat sized and there would be puncture wounds. I could be wrong.

Does your mom seriously think a mouse did that? I seriously doubt that. Not possible in my opinion. Would guess dog or hawk.

Can you keep your flock in a covered run for awhile instead of free ranging?

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