HELP! Are my chickens dehydrated?


13 Years
Jun 30, 2007
I finally got my flock of 4 to use the nipple waterer 2 weeks ago, but I'm worried they aren't getting enough water. I've seen all the chickens using it, it is working properly, the water level has done down in the bucket, and they are laying eggs, but today when I let them out to roam the yard, they ran to a puddle and drank and drank (not a normal behavior for them). They definitely were very thirsty. I'm feeling like I should give them back their old waterer, but it was such a pain to clean every few days! I was so happy to get rid of it. What do others think who have experience with the nipple?

Thanks for any ideas.
I don't have any expirience with a nipple waterer, but whenever i dumped out my girls water they drank from the puddle too and they got plenty to drink since the waterer was always out there and full. I would put the old regular waterer out with the nipple and see what happens.
I don't have a nipple waterer either but can tell you whenever my girls get a chance to drink from a puddle, they dive right in drinking even if the puddle is right next to clean water in their waterer. They love puddles!
The dirty little secret that your chickens fail to tell you is that like your dog your chickens prefer to drink filthy water from mud puddles. Your chickens are just not as fond of chasing cars as your pooch is.
Same here with my chickens and the puddles. They act like that they haven't had a drink all day if there is a puddle. My little Americanuna (Easter Egger) will play and in the puddle for as long as it is there. She is so cute.
The dirty little secret that your chickens fail to tell you is that like your dog your chickens prefer to drink filthy water from mud puddles. Your chickens are just not as fond of chasing cars as your pooch is.

Yep, aren't animals fun, - our horses will walk away from 100 gallons of fresh, clean water to get to the puddles that form during the wet times here.
Thanks for the feedback about puddles. The "puddle" was really the water left on my deck after rinsing out their bucket. I have done this many times and they've never run to the water before. So this is a totally new behavior and that's what makes me suspicious.

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