Help ASAP please


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
My baby duck (1 week old) has a bad bruise on his break. I am unsure how it happened. In the past few days it has gotten worse! What can I do?! Please help.
great to have you joining the BYC flock

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If you haven't any antibiotic's in the house you can give some hard boiled egg's till you get some

Is your duck eating or drinking water on it's own at the moment
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Sorry I don't know anything about ducks. You could post photos and details on "emergencies, diseases., injuries, cures, thread."
I'm only 14 and just got my first duck. Where would you buy antibiotics? My mom took me to tractor supply (where I got him) and they had nothing. And thank you for replying also he is drinking tons of water and some food but not a lot
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After looking closer at the beak it looks more damaged then bruised
is there any sharp objects like a feeder with holes if so they are for
chickens not ducks in my experience and if this is the case do you
have a photo of the brooder and everything inside the brooder .....

I took all my feeders and made sure there aren't any sharp edges
on them .....
There is nothing sharp. He was so small my mom told me to keep him in my hamster cage for a few days. I think he may of got it stuck inbetween the bars? Do you have any Idea how I can help him at all? He does eat and drink so it shouldn't possibly be life threatening correct?
There is nothing sharp. He was so small my mom told me to keep him in my hamster cage for a few days. I think he may of got it stuck inbetween the bars? Do you have any Idea how I can help him at all? He does eat and drink so it shouldn't possibly be life threatening correct?

Yes I would agree with that and the hamster cage has way to big a spacing between the wires for a duck a chicken could work but a duck no ...

Ok what kind of medical supplies do you have to work with Bactine would be good for now .....

Do you have any kind of ointments ????
I have neosporin it's midnight where I live but I will go to the store as soon as the sun comes up to get what you suggest.
Alright :welcome  great to have you joining the BYC flock :frow

BYC has a very useful learning center :caf

If you haven't any antibiotic's in the house you can give some hard boiled egg's till you get some :barnie  

Is your duck eating or drinking water on it's own at the moment ;)

Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about your duckling, X3 you might try posting in the Duck forum and Emergencies forum You could try putting triple antibiotic ointment without painkiller like Neosporin on it. You might try posting a picture of your brooder set up and feeders etc like gander007 suggested if anything stands out he could be getting into.

Yes I would agree with that and the hamster cage has way to big a spacing between the wires for a duck a chicken could work but a duck no ...

Ok what kind of medical supplies do you have to work with Bactine would be good for now .....

Do you have any kind of ointments ????  

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